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wydawnictwo: HBS , rok wydania 2006, wydanie I

cena netto: 107.80 Twoja cena  102,41 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Ted Levitt is one of the most widely respected thinkers in the field of marketing and management. His work and writings have changed the way scores of companies think about their businesses, organize for innovation and creativity, and market their products and services.

Now, managers can have access to the best of Levitt s thinking over the last five decades in Ted Levitt on Marketing. Framed by a new introduction, this book features seminal articles including Marketing Success Through Differentiation,The Globalization of Markets,After the Sale Is Over,Marketing Myopia, and many others.

A must-have resource for managers and marketers in any industry, this book is filled with big ideas and practical tools for creating and sustaining a company s competitive edge.

Table of Contents

1   Innovative imitation    1
2   Exploit the product life cycle   17
3    Why business always loses    43
4   Production-line approach to service    59
5    The industrialization of service    81
6    Marketing success through differentiation - of anything    99
  Marketing intangible products and product intangibles     115
8    The globalization of markets    131
9   After the sale is over ...    151
10    Advertising : "the poetry of becoming"    165
11   Creativity is not enough    171
12   Marketing myopia    189

256 pages, Paperback

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