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wydawnictwo: CENGAGE LEARNING , rok wydania 2010, wydanie VI

cena netto: 284.90 Twoja cena  270,66 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The new edition of Strategic management by Thompson and Martin is essential reading for all students of strategy at undergraduate, diploma and MBA level.

Maintaining the traditional analysis, formulation and implementation framework, the sixth edition has been revised and updated to include modern strategy topics such as the Blue Ocean strategy, as well as new cases throughout the text which have been expertly prepared by ECCH case tutor, John Thompson. New experiential activity can be found at the end of every chapter to offer students a more applied and in-depth learning experience.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Understanding strategy and strategic management

1 Introducing strategy and strategic management

Part 2: Strategic positioning

2 Strategic thinking, environmental analysis, synergy and strategic positioning

3 Resource-led strategy

4 The dynamics of competition

5 Introducing culture and values

Part 3: Strategic analysis and choice

6 Strategic purpose

7 Strategic success

8 An introduction to strategy creation and planning

9 Strategic leadership, entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship

10 Strategic alternatives, strategy evaluation and strategy selection

Part 4: Issues in strategic growth

11 Strategic growth

12 International strategy

13 Failure, consolidation and recovery strategies

Part 5: Strategic management

14 Strategy implementation

15 Leading change

16 Managing strategy in the organization

17 Final thoughts: the purpose of strategy

802 pages, Paperback

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