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wydawnictwo: WYD UMK , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 25.00 Twoja cena  23,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The book combines many interesting and very current practical and scientific topics of investment in the property market at the local, national and international view.

In particular, raises important issues for investors connected with the risk of investment and financing decisions, as well as formal and legal regulations concerning real estate acquisition by foreigners in Poland. Moreover, showing the impact of determinants of planning the project location decisions and the value of transactions on the example of several suburban areas of selected cities.

Table of Contents


1.Ewa Siemińska, Locating Capital in the Real Estate Market
1.1.The Essence of Investing on the Real Estate Market
1.2.The Specific Character of Investment on the Real Estate Market
1.3.Investment Directions on the Real Estate Market
1.3.1.Direct and Indirect Investment
1.3.2.Segments of the Real Estate Market
1.4.Risks Related to Investing on the Real Estate Market - Selected Problems
1.5.Banks‘ Practical Experience in Shaping Credit Policies for Financing the Real Estate Market
1.5.1.Changes in Credit Policies of Banks Financing Investments on the Real Estate Market in Poland - the Outcome of the Research
1.5.2.Conclusions and Recommendations

2.Barbara Stolińska, Conditions for the Acquisition of Real Estate by Foreigners in Poland
2.1.Acquisition of Real Estate in Poland by Foreigners
2.2.Analysis of the Terms for Foreign Investors to Acquire Real Estate in Poland

3.Małgorzata Krajewska, Planning Conditions and the Market Value of Real Estate
3.1.Legal Situation and the Risk of Planning Conditions
3.2.The Real Estate Market in Big Towns - Suburban Areas
3.2.1.Specification of the Real Estate Market in Suburban Areas
3.2.2.Characteristics of the Area of the Research
3.2.3.Land Real Estate Not Covered by Local Land Development Plans
3.2.4.Land Real Estate Covered by Local Land Development Plans
3.2.5.Changes in the Value of Land in the Examined Suburban Areas
3.3.Value of Developed Land and the State of Planning Conditions
3.3.1.Methodology of Assessing the Value of Developed Real Estate Under Different States of Planning Conditions
3.3.2.Application of the Proposed Method Based on the Example of Selected Real Estate
3.4.Building Land in Urbanised Territories


110 pages, Paperback

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