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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2011, wydanie XII

cena netto: 585.00 Twoja cena  555,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

BUSINESS MATHEMATICS BRIEF, 12/e teaches business math with a strong focus on current issues, real companies, and realistic business scenarios.

It places essential business math concepts in context, teaching through highly relevant examples. Each chapter begins with an actual company case study that is carried through with examples and exercises. Two realistic cases conclude each chapter, helping students integrate key concepts with real business math challenges. Data and graphs are incorporated throughout. New coverage in this edition includes: the global financial crisis and globalization; personal debt and savings; and inventory tracking. More examples are provided, and this edition has been edited for greater clarity and simplicity.

Table of Contents


1. Whole Numbers and Decimals

2. Fractions and Mixed Numbers

3. Percent

4. Equations and Formulas

5. Bank Services

6. Payroll

7. Mathematics of Buying

8. Mathematics of Selling

9. Simple Interest

10. Compound Interest and Inflation

11. Annuities, Stocks, and Bonds

12. Business and Consumer Loans

13. Taxes and Insurance

Appendix A. The Metric System

Appendix B. Basic Scientific Calculators

Appendix C. Financial Calculators

Answers to Selected Exercises



688 pages, Paperback

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