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wydawnictwo: CAMBRIDGE UP , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 380.00 Twoja cena  361,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Challenges in Central Banking: The Current Institutional Environment and Forces Affecting Monetary Policy

Changes in the field of central banking over the past two decades have been nothing short of dramatic. They include the importance of central bank autonomy, the desirability of low and stable inflation, and the vital role played by how central banks communicate their views and intentions to the markets and the public more generally. There remains considerable diversity nevertheless in the institutional framework affecting central banks, the manner in which the stance of monetary policy is determined and assessed, and the forces that dictate the conduct of monetary policy more generally. The global financial crisis, which began in the United States in 2007, only serves to highlight further the importance of central bank policies.

The aim of this volume is to take stock of where we are in the realm of the practice of central banking and considers some of the implications arising from the ongoing crisis.

Table of Contents

1. The state of play in central banking and the challenges to come Pierre L. Siklos, Martin T. Bohl and Mark E. Wohar

Part I. Past, Present, and Future in the Conduct of Monetary Policy:

2. Is time ripe for price level path stability? Vitor Gaspar, Frank Smets and David Vestin
3. The principal-agent approach to monetary policy delegation Georgios E. Chortareas and Stephen M. Miller
4. Implementing monetary policy in the 2000s: operating procedures in Asia and beyond Corrinne Ho

Part II. The Scope of Central Banking Operations and Central Bank Independence:

5. Analysis of financial stability Charles A. E. Goodhart and D. P. Tsomocos
6. National central banks in a multi-national system David G. Mayes and Geoffrey E. Wood
7. The complex relationship between central bank independence and inflation Bernd Hayo and Carsten Hefeker
8. Independence and accountability in supervision: comparing central banks and financial authorities Donato Masciandaro, Marc Quintyn and Michael W. Taylor

Part III. Transparency and Governance in Central Banking:

9. The economic impact of central bank transparency: a survey Carin van der Cruijsen and Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger
10. How central banks take decisions: an analysis of monetary policy meetings Philip Maier
11. Institutional rules and the conduct of monetary policy: does a central bank need governing principles? Pierre L. Siklos

Data and econometric specification
Empirical evidence

416 pages, Hardcover

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