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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2010, wydanie III

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The Coaching Manual

The Definitive Guide to The Process, Principles and Skills of Personal Coaching

Widely recognised as a leading practical handbook on coaching, The Coaching Manual combines an understanding of coaching principles, skills, attitudes and behaviours, along with practical guidance and a comprehensive tool kit for coaches.

The Coaching Manual demystifies the full coaching process, from first step to final meeting.

This is the complete guide to coaching and includes: models, perspectives, skills, case studies, tips and advice.

Table of Contents




1 Introduction

The purpose of this book

What is personal coaching?

Coaching in business

Personal coaching: life/lifestyle

A comparison of coaching and therapy

Chapter summary: Introduction

2 Collaborative coaching

What does collaborative coaching mean?

Non-directive versus directive language

Attributes of a good coach

Chapter summary: Collaborative coaching

3 Coaching principles or beliefs

Operating principles for coaches

Maintain a commitment to support the individual

Build the coaching relationship on truth, openness and trust

The coachee is responsible for the results they are generating

The coachee is capable of much better results than they are currently generating

Focus on what the coachee thinks and experiences

Coachees can generate perfect solutions

The conversation is based on equality

Chapter summary: Coaching principles or beliefs

4 Fundamental skills of coaching

Can anyone coach?

Skill one – building rapport or relationship

Skill two – different levels of listening

Skill three – using intuition

Skill four – asking questions

Skill five – giving supportive feedback

Chapter summary: Fundamental skills of coaching

5 Barriers to coaching

Physical and environmental barriers

Behavioural barriers: ‘what not to do’

Chapter summary: Barriers to coaching

6 Coaching conversations: the coaching path

The coaching path: guiding principles

Stage one – establish conversation

Stage two – identify topic and goal

Stage three – surface understanding and insight

Stage four – shape agreements and conclusions

Stage five – completion/close

The coaching path: make the process your own

Chapter summary: Barriers to coaching

7 Coaching assignment: structure and process

Four stages of a coaching assignment

Stage one – establish the context for coaching

Stage two – create understanding and direction

Stage three – review/confirm learning

Stage four – completion

A framework for coaching

Chapter summary: Coaching assignment: structure and process

8 Emotional maturity and coaching

What is emotional maturity?

Emotional maturity – four competences

Chapter summary: Emotional maturity and coaching


9 Becoming a coach

What do we mean – ‘become a coach’?

So you want to be a coach?

Paid coach or unpaid coach?

Professional coaching – ‘just coach’ or ‘coach and also …’?

What kind of coach are you?

How do you equip yourself to be a great coach?

Chapter summary: Becoming a coach

10 Summary and close

Key points of learning

The future of coaching

Taking your learning forward

Chapter summary: Summary and close

Toolkit: Practising Coaching Behaviours and Building Assignments

Part 1 Strengthen your skills

Activity 1.1 Help someone else find their answer

Activity 1.2 Meditation for non-judgement

Activity 1.3 Developing deep listening

Activity 1.4 Get some feedback

Activity 1.5 Building a clear goal

Part 2 Building blocks

Building block 2.1 Coaching overview document

Building block 2.2 Getting a first session started

Building block 2.3 Summary of a first session

Building block 2.4 Feedback interview document


328 pages, Paperback

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