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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 450.00 Twoja cena  427,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

A concise and pithy reference guide that gives senior managers and executives powerful, practical and accessible guidance on everything they need to know about running a profitable, cash generating business unit offering real shareholder value.

For non-financial executives in a key functional or general management position it’s important to understand the critical financial issues that affect their business unit.

This book will give you an understanding of these financial issues so you can understand the impact they will have on your operational decisions, as well as be able to recognise when they are taking risks and how to evaluate those risks.

Structured in the series format of the Financial Times Briefing series, concise, pithy and to the point, these books offer:

o Powerful, practical advice to help executives make essential business decisions.

o A concise and focused overview to give executives the crucial information they need.

o Special design to help busy business leaders get the knowledge they need, fast.

Table of Contents



PART ONE In brief

1 The executive précis


2 What is it and what do I need to know?


Adjustments to cashflow

The clarity of cash


Shareholder value

The efficient market hypothesis

Why accounts don’t help in valuation

Profit improvement

Capital allocation

Financial risk

3 Why do it? The risks and rewards



Shareholder value

Profit improvement

Capital allocation

4 Who’s doing it and who has done it?

Introduction and examples

What do success and failure look like?

Identifying success

PART TWO In practice

How to assess the critical finance issues

5 How to do it – the critical finance issues

Cashflow choices


Shareholder value

Profit improvement

Capital allocation

Financial risk

6 How to measure the critical finance issues



Other indicators

Shareholder value

Profit improvement

Capital allocation

Financial risk

7 How to manage the critical finance issues

Cashflow management

Shareholder value

Profit improvement

Capital allocation

Financial risk

8 How to justify addressing the critical finance issues – the business case


9 How to talk about the critical finance issues

Involving all employees

Profit improvement through collaboration

The language of capital allocation

Talking about financial risk

PART THREE Intervention

10 Executive intervention

What questions should I ask?

When is my intervention needed?

What are the make or break decisions?

What levers should I pull?

How do we know whether we’ve succeeded or failed?

PART FOUR In depth

11 Additional resources


Online references

Advisers and consultants



176 pages, Paperback

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