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wydawnictwo: ADAM MARSZAŁEK , rok wydania 2008, wydanie I

cena netto: 41.60 Twoja cena  39,52 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Human differentiation and cultural multitude give rise to interest and fascination, although at the same time, they bring about numerous problems.

In various parts of the globe, mutual relations between people of different colour, language, customs, beliefs or religion have been shaped for centuries. The history of mankind is abundant with examples of complaisant coexistence and cooperation of various communities; sometimes with examples of mere toleration for different, Other social groups and their cultures. Unfortunately, there are also many examples of conflicts, persecution and wars breaking out due to racial, religious or cultural differences.

Contemporary societies and states seem to grow in their openness for Others and to other cultures. This is especially perceptible in democratic societies and states. However, the variety of historical experiences and conditions causes that the issues of broadly understood multiculturalness are treated very differently and that various legal, social, educational and economic solutions are undertaken, which facilitate multiculturalness more or less (or in different ways).

In quest of appropriate models of society forming and functioning of societies and multicultural communities, the experience of North American countries (the USA and Canada), not without reason, is often referred to. Some experiences which deserve attention can be also found in Australia and in some regions in Asia. In all these places, successful processes which integrate multinational, multiethnic and multicultural communities are observed. Yet, in the same places both immemorial (almost traditional) and new problems have been occurring. Social life constantly necessitates the search for appropriate solutions. The changeability of political, economic-industrial, civilization and cultural conditions - and at the same time waves of social moods, permanence and rebirth of stereotypes, forming new stereotypes, prejudice and fears - do not help to prevent and overcome conflicts, crises and numerous difficulties.

272 pages, Paperback

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