The Nonprofit Organizational Culture Guide: Revealing the Hidden Truths
That Impact Performance
"This is an important book for consultants and managers who work with
nonprofit organizations. The Nonprofit Organizational Culture Guide lays out basic theory
about how nonprofits come to be and how they operate, and it demonstrates how important
the concept of culture is to understanding this important sector of our society."
—Edgar H. Schein, professor of management, emeritus, MIT Sloan School of Management
"This book is a must-read for nonprofit executives! The authors spell out
the themes, beliefs, and assumptions that are unique to nonprofits, regardless of their
size or mission, ultimately revealing how 'culture' manifests itself in
—Darryl A. Jones, Sr., CEO, Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations
Table of Contents
List of Tables, Figures, and Exhibits.
Introduction: How to Get at Hidden Truths.
One Nonprofit Culture.
Two Six Examples of Nonprofit Culture in Action.
Three Revealing Organizational Culture.
Four Reflections on Organizational Culture.
Five Recommendations for Nonprofit Leaders and Capacity Builders.
Appendix A Sector Informants.
Appendix B Organizational Culture Diagnostic Tools.
Appendix C About Mind Maps and Mind Mapping.
About the Authors.
192 pages, Paperback