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wydawnictwo: PEARSON , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 365.00 Twoja cena  346,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Business Accounting and Finance
Tony Davies, Ian Crawford

Business Accounting and Finance, is a clear, comprehensive and engaging text that is essential reading for anyone studying accounting and finance. Carefully structured to reflect the topics covered in most one or two semester modules, the book comprises three parts: Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Business Finance.

Guided Tour of the book

Part I Financial Accounting
Chapter 1 The importance of accounting and finance
Chapter 2 Classifying and recording financial transactions
Chapter 3 Balance sheet
Chapter 4 Income statement
Chapter 5 Statement of cash flows
Chapter 6 Corporate governance
Chapter 7 Financial statements analysis
Chapter 8 Annual report and accounts
Case Study I
Case Study II

Part II Financial Management
Chapter 9 The nature of costs
Chapter 10 Managing costs
Case Study III
Chapter 11 Relevant costs, marginal costs, and decision-making
Chapter 12 Short-term planning – the operating budget
Chapter 13 The control budget and variance analysis
Case Study IV
Chapter 14 Financing the business, and the cost of capital
Chapter 15 Investment appraisal and the capital budget
Case Study V
Chapter 16 Working capital management
Case Study VI
Appendix 1 Present value tables
Appendix 2 IFRSs and IASs
Appendix 3 Solutions to selected exercises

Glossary of key terms


Paperback, 800 pages

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