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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 169.40 Twoja cena  160,93 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

“Web 3.0” is already here. Is your nonprofit ready? With Social Media for Social Good, it will be . . . even if you’re so behind that you’re not sure what “Web 3.0” means.

As a nonprofit, you’re most likely used to working at a disadvantage. Recent economic factors have required many organizations to slash budgets, implement staff cuts, and depend upon volunteers or already overworked nonprofit staff to manage their social media and mobile technology campaigns.

Luckily, the dedication of your staff and volunteers, when combined with the wisdom presented in this book, is all that your nonprofit needs to harness the power of social media. Give your team a wealth of Web wisdom to match its passion, and you’ll quickly discover that the playing field suddenly seems a whole lot more even and that social media success lies literally at your fingertips.

Enter Heather Mansfield. When it comes to nonprofit communications, she is the social media expert. Nonprofits and social media are her passions, and she loves to make them work together. That’s why communications staff at organizations like the National Wildlife Federation, the National Peace Corps Association, Safe Kids, TechSoup.org, and Operation Homefront, to name a few, are among her devoted fans. What Mansfield has taught them, you’ll learn in Social Media for Social Good—from basic best practices to advanced strategies that are guaranteed to keep your supporters engaged and growing in numbers.

Learn how to:

  • Inspire fans, followers, and friends to transition from passive interest to active involvement in supporting your mission
  • Implement an integrated communications and fundraising strategy that maximizes the ROI of your nonprofit’s website and blog, e-newsletter, social networking communities, video and digital photography libraries, and mobile technology campaigns
  • Understand and navigate legal and privacy issues
  • Use social media and mobile technology to nurture current donors—and build your list of new donors
  • Track and report the effectiveness of your efforts

Imagine the kind of nonprofit communications and fundraising success your organization could achieve if only you had the resources. Social Media for Social Good gives you the tools to stop imagining—and start doing.


Heather Mansfield is the creator and principal blogger at Nonprofit Tech 2.0 (www.nonprofitorgsblog.org) and its many related resources about social media and mobile technology. She has more than 500,000 online followers, fans, and friends on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr, YouTube, and Foursquare, and has presented more than 500 social media webinars and training to nonprofits worldwide.

256 pages , Hardcover

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