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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2011, wydanie III

cena netto: 354.20 Twoja cena  336,49 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Core Principles and Applications of Corporate Finance, 3rd edition, by Ross, Westerfield, Jaffe and Jordan was written to convey the most important corporate finance concepts and applications at a level that is approachable to the widest possible audience. The concise format, managerial context and design, and student-friendly writing style are key attributes to this text.

RWJJ Core Principles strikes a balance by introducing and covering the essentials, while leaving more specialized topics to follow-up courses. This text distills the subject of corporate finance down to its core, while also maintaining a decidedly modern approach. The well-respected author team is known for the clear, accessible presentation of material that makes this text an excellent teaching tool.

Table of Contents

Part I Overview
1 Introduction to Corporate Finance
2 Financial Statements and Cash Flow
3 Financial Statements Analysis and Long-Term Planning

Part II Valuation and Capital Budgeting
4 Discounted Cash Flow Valuation
5 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation
6 Stock Valuation
7 Net Present Value and Other Investment Rules
8 Making Capital Investment Decisions
9 Risk Analysis, Real Options, and Capital Budgeting

Part III Risk and Return
10 Risk and Return Lessons from Market History
11 Return and Risk: The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
12 Risk, Cost of Capital, and Capital Budgeting

Part IV Capital Structure and Dividend Policy
13 Corporate Financing Decisions and Efficient Capital Markets
14 Capital Structure: Basic Concepts
15 Capital Structure: Limits to the Use of Debt
16 Dividends and Other Payouts

Part V Special Topics
17 Options and Corporate Finance
18 Short-Term Finance and Planning
19 Mergers and Acquisitions
20 International Corporate Finance

736 pages, Paperback

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