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wydawnictwo: OXFORD UP , rok wydania 2011, wydanie II

cena netto: 277.20 Twoja cena  263,34 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Corporate Finance for Business is a pedagogically innovative and interactive text that introduces and develops core corporate finance concepts in a way that will capture the imagination of business and management students.

Offering an in-depth examination of the key areas of the field, authors John-Paul Marney and Heather Tarbert provide accessible coverage of both conceptual and technical material. The text features interesting illustrations, topical examples, and real-life cases that help students engage with the material. Each chapter begins with a carefully developed and integrated running case study that follows a fictional company from start-up to takeover and demonstrates the practical applications of theoretical and technical concepts.

Featuring an exceptionally fluid and lively writing style, Corporate Finance for Business employs an "active learning" approach that incorporates case-study questions, reflective questions and activities, end-of-chapter practice questions, and suggestions for presentations and group work. In addition, it reflects the increasingly international nature of corporate finance (by using examples and case studies with a global dimension) and also acknowledges the social and ethical dimensions of the field.

Table of Contents

1. The Financial Environment
2. Investment Appraisal
3. Financial Markets
4. Valuation
5. Risk in the Financial Environment
6. Risk in the International Environment
7. Capital Budgeting
8. Capital Structure
9. Distribution Decisions
10. Working Capital Management
11. Re-Structuring
12. Fundamental Techniques for Finance

504 pages, Paperback

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