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wydawnictwo: ROUTLEDGE , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

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Although the idea of social responsibility has a long and distinguished intellectual pedigree, Corporate Social Responsibility (or ‘CSR’) has re-emerged during the last fifteen years or so as a high-profile concept in both academia and business practice. This revitalized interest has come about largely because of the development of the ‘markets for virtue’ that have institutionalized CSR in business practices in an unprecedented manner. CSR has achieved organizational distinctiveness within companies (e.g. in managerial and board responsibilities); social and environmental reporting requirements have dramatically increased; socially responsible investment funds have not only established themselves in their own right, but have also informed more mainstream investment criteria, particularly regarding social and environmental risk; a CSR consultancy industry has emerged, along with various ‘vanguard groups’ and NGOs who seek not only to promote CSR, but also to bring critical perspectives to bear and to raise CSR standards; and governments around the globe have encouraged investment in CSR, better reporting of these activities, and the implementation of CSR initiatives that complement broader public policies.

As research in and around CSR blossoms as never before, this new four-volume collection from Routledge’s acclaimed Critical Perspectives on Business and Management series meets the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of a rapidly growing and ever more complex corpus of literature. Edited by two scholars from Nottingham University’s world-class International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, the collection gathers foundational and canonical work, together with innovative and cutting-edge applications and interventions.

With a full index, together with a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editors, which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context, Corporate Social Responsibility is an essential work of reference. The collection will be particularly useful as an essential database allowing scattered and often fugitive material to be easily located. It will also be welcomed as a crucial tool permitting rapid access to less familiar—and sometimes overlooked—texts. For researchers, students, practitioners, and policy-makers, it is as a vital one-stop research and pedagogic resource.

Table of Contents


Volume I: Early Testimonies and Emerging Contestations

Part 1: Early Testimonies and Emerging Contestations

1. J. M. Clark, ‘The Changing Basis of Economic Responsibility’, Journal of Political Economy, 1916, 24, 3, 209–29.

2. F. W. Abrams, ‘Management Responsibilities in a Complex World’, Harvard Business Review, 1951, 29, 3, 29–34.

3. H. R. Bowen, ‘Why are Businessmen Concerned About their Social Responsibility?’, Social Responsibilities of the Businessman (Harper & Brothers, 1953), pp. 84–106.

4. H. R. Bowen, ‘The Doctrine of Social Responsibility: Some Criticisms’, Social Responsibilities of the Businessman (Harper & Brothers, 1953), pp. 107–24.

5. T. Levitt, ‘The Dangers of Social Responsibility’, Harvard Business Review, 1958, 36, 41–50.

6. F. A. Hayek, ‘The Corporation in a Democratic Society: In Whose Interest Ought it and Will it Be Run?’, in M. Anshen and G. L. Bach (eds.), Management and Corporation (McGraw-Hill, 1960), pp. 99–117.

7. K. Davis, ‘Can Business Afford to Ignore Social Responsibilities?’, California Management Review, 1960, 2, 3, 70–7.

8. M. Friedman, ‘Monopoly and the Social Responsibility of Business and Labor’, Capitalism and Freedom (University of Chicago Press, 1962), pp. 119–36.

9. K. Arrow, ‘Social Responsibility and Economic Efficiency’, Public Policy, 1973, 21, 303–17.

10. J. K. Galbraith, ‘The Goals of the Industrial System’, The New Industrial State (Houghton Mifflin, 1967), pp. 183–4.

11. H. R. Bowen, ‘Social Responsibility of the businessman: Twenty Years Later’, in E. M. Epstein and D. Votaw (eds.), Rationality, Legitimacy, Responsibility: The Search for New Directions in Business and Society (Goodyear Publishing Co., 1978), pp. 116–30.

12. Peter F. Drucker, ‘The New Meaning of Corporate Social Responsibility’, California Management Review, 1984, XXVI, 2, 53–63.

Part 2: Historical Emergence of CSR Practice

13. M. Heald, ‘Business in the Era of Reform: The Social Responsibilities of Business’, Company and Community 1900–1960 (Case Western Reserve University Press, 1970), pp. 21–53.

14. A. B. Carroll, ‘A History of Corporate Social Responsibility: Concepts and Practices’, in A. Crane et al. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility (Oxford University Press, 2008), pp. 19–46.

Part 3: Theoretical Foundations: CSR Concepts and Frameworks

15. W. C. Frederick, ‘From CSR1 to CSR2: The Maturing of Business-and-Society Thought’, Business and Society, 1978, 33, 2, 150–65.

16. R. W. Ackerman, ‘How Companies Respond to Social Demands’, California Management Review, 1973, 88–98.

17. L. E. Preston and J. E. Post, ‘Private Management and Public Policy’, California Management Review, 1981, 13, 3, 56–62.

18. A. B. Carroll, ‘A Three Dimensional Conceptual Model of Corporate Performance’, Academy of Management Review, 1979, 4, 4, 497–505.

19. J. Mahon and S. Wartick, ‘Toward a Substantive Definition of the Corporate Issue Construct’, Business and Society, 1994, 33, 3, 293–311.

20. A. Crane, D. Matten, and J. Moon, ‘Corporations as Citizens’, Corporations and Citizenship (Cambridge University Press, 2008), pp. 19–49.

Part 4: Analysing and Mapping CSR Research

21. L. E. Preston, ‘Corporation and Society: The Search for a Paradigm’, Journal of Economic Literature, 1975, 13, 2, 334–54.

22. D. J. Wood, ‘Corporate Social Performance Revisited’, Academy of Management Review, 1991, 16, 4, 691–718.

23. J. P. Walsh, K. Weber, and J. D. Margolis, ‘Social Issues and Management: Our Lost Cause Found’, Journal of Management Studies, 2003, 29, 6, 859–81.

24. E. Garriga and D. Melé, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility Theories: Mapping the Territory’, Journal of Business Ethics, 2004, 53, 1–2, 51–71.

Volume II: CSR Strategy

Part 1: Stakeholder Theory

25. R. Edward Freeman, ‘Managing for Stakeholders’, in Norman Bowie, T. Beauchamp, and Denis Arnold (eds.), Ethical Theory and Business, 8th edn. (Prentice Hall, 2009), pp. 56–67.

26. Thomas Donaldson and L. E. Preston, ‘The Stakeholder Theory of the Corporation: Concepts, Evidence and Implications’, Academy of Management Review, 1995, 20, 1, 65–91.

27. Ronald K. Mitchell, Bradley R. Agle, and Donna J. Wood, ‘Toward a Theory of Stakeholder Identification and Salience: Defining the Principle of Who and What Really Counts’, Academy of Management Review, 1997, 22, 4, 853–86.

28. Bradley R. Agle et al., ‘Dialogue: Toward Superior Stakeholder Theory’, Business Ethics Review, 1997, 18, 2, 153–90.

Part 2: Stakeholder Relations

29. David Hess, Nikolai Rogovsky, and Thomas W. Dunfee, ‘The Next Wave of Corporate Community Involvement’, California Management Review, 2002, 44, 2, 110–25.

30 J.-P. Gond et al., ‘A Corporate Social Performance: Corporate Financial Performance Behavioural Model for Employees’, in C. Bhattacharya et al. (eds.), Corporate Responsibility and Global Business: Implications for Corporate and Marketing Strategy (Cambridge University Press, 2010), pp. 13–48.

31. C. B Bhattacharya and Sankar Sen, ‘Doing Better at Doing Good: When, Why and How Consumers Respond to Corporate Social Initiatives’, California Management Review, 2004, 47, 1, 9–24.

32. Pietra Rivoli, ‘Making a Difference or Making a Statement? Finance Research and Socially Responsible Investment’, Business Ethics Quarterly, 2003, 13, 3, 271–87.

33. Stuart L. Hart, ‘Beyond Greening: Strategies for a Sustainable World’, Harvard Business Review, Jan. 1997, 67–76.

34. Isabelle Maignan, Bas Hillebrand, and Debbie McAlister ‘Managing Socially Responsible Buying: How to Integrate Non-Economic Criteria in to the Purchasing Process’, European Journal of Management, 2002, 20, 6, 641–48.

Part 3: Implementation

35. Philip Mirvis and Bradley Googins, ‘Stages of Corporate Citizenship’, California Management Review, 2006, 48, 2, 104–26.

36. François Maon, Adam Lindgreen, and Valérie Swaen, ‘Organizational Stages and Cultural Phases: A Critical Review and a Consolidative Model of Corporate Social Responsibility Development’, International Journal of Management Reviews, 2010, 12, 1, 20–38.

Part 4: Competitive Advantage and Financial Performance

37. Lee Burke and Jeannie M. Logsdon, ‘How Corporate Responsibility Pays Off’, Long Range Planning, 1996, 29, 4, 495–502.

38. Michael E. Porter and Mark R. Kramer, ‘Strategy and Society: The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility’, Harvard Business Review, Dec. 2006.

39. Abagail McWilliams and Donald Siegel, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility: A Theory of the Firm Perspective’, Academy of Management Review, 2001, 26, 1, 117–27.

40. Michael L. Barnett, ‘Stakeholder Influence Capacity and the Variability of Financial Returns to Corporate Social Responsibility’, Academy of Management Review, 2007, 32, 3, 794–816.

41. Joshua D. Margolis and James P. Walsh, ‘Misery Loves Companies’, Administrative Science Quarterly, 2003, 48, 268–305.

42. Marc Orlitzky and Diane L. Swanson, ‘Corporate Social and Financial Performance: An Integrated Review’, Toward Integrative Corporate Citizenship: Research Advances in Corporate Social Performance (Palgrave, 2008), pp. 83–120.

Volume III: Comparative and Global CSR

Part 1: Conceptualizations of Comparative CSR

43. Dirk Matten and Jeremy Moon, ‘"Implicit" and "Explicit" CSR: A Conceptual Framework for a Comparative Understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility’, Academy of Management Review, 2008, 33, 2, 404–24.

44. R. Aguilera et al., ‘Putting the S back in Corporate Social Responsibility: A Multi-Level Theory of Social Change in Organizations’, Academy of Management Review, 2007, 32, 3, 836–63.

Part 2: CSR in Countries and Regions

45. Isabelle Maignan and David A. Ralston, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe and the USA: Insights from Businesses’ Self-Presentations’, Journal of International Business Studies, 2002, 33, 3, 497–514.

46. Maria Gjolberg, ‘Measuring the Immeasurable? Constructing an Index of CSR Practices and CSR Performance in 20 Countries’, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 2009, 25, 1, 10–22.

47. Wendy Chapple and Jeremy Moon, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Asia: A Seven-Country Study of CSR Web Site Reporting’, Business and Society, 2005, 44, 4, 415–41.

48. Ans Kolk and Rob Van Tulder, ‘Poverty Alleviation as Business Strategy? Evaluating Commitments of Frontrunner Multinational Corporations’, World Development, 2006, 34, 5, 789–801.

49. Gabriel Eweje, ‘The Role of MNEs in Community Development Initiatives in Developing Countries’, Business and Society, 2006, 45, 2, 93–129.

50. Bimal Arora and Ravi Puranik, ‘A Review of Corporate Social Responsibility in India’, Development, 2004, 47, 3, 93–100.

51. Jeremy Moon, Nahee Kang, and Jean-Pascal Gond, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility and Government’, in David Coen, Graham Wilson, and Wyn Grant (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Business and Government (Oxford University Press, 2010), pp. 512–43.

52. Vanessa M. Strike, Jijun Gao, and Pratima Bansal, ‘Being Good While Being Bad: Social Responsibility and the International Diversification of US Firms’, Journal of International Business Studies, 2006, 37, 6, 850–62.

Part 3: CSR and Global Governance

53. Thomas Donaldson and Thomas W. Dunfee, ‘Toward a Unified Conception of Business Ethics: Integrative Social Contracts Theory’, Academy of Management Review, 1994, 19, 2, 252–84.

54. John Gerard Ruggie, ‘Reconstituting the Global Public Domain: Issues, Actors and Practices’, European Journal of International Relations, 2004, 10, 4, 499–531.

55. Andreas Rasche, ‘A Necessary Supplement: What the United Nations Global Compact Is and Is Not’, Business and Society, 2009, 48, 4, 511–37.

56. David Vogel, ‘The Private Regulation of Global Corporate Conduct: Achievements and Limitations’, Business and Society, 2010, 49, 1, 68–87.

57. Andreas Georg Schrerer, Guido Palazzo, and Dorothea Baumann, ‘Global Rules and Private Actors: Towards a New Role of the Transnational Corporation in Global Governance’, Business Ethics Quarterly, 2006, 16, 4, 505–32.

58. Andre Sobczak, ‘Are Codes of Conduct in Global Supply Chains Really Voluntary? From Soft Law Regulation of Labour Relations to Consumer Law’, Business Ethics Quarterly, 2006, 16, 2, 167–84.

59. Stephen J. Kobrin, ‘Private Political Authority and Public Responsibility: Transnational Politics, Transnational Firms, and Human Rights’, Business Ethics Quarterly, 2009, 19, 3, 349–74.

Volume IV: Critical Reflections and Emerging Perspectives

Part 1: Deconstructing CSR Practice and Concepts

60. D. Doane, ‘The Myth of Corporate Social Responsibility: The Problem with Assuming That Companies Can Do Well While Also Doing Good is That Markets Don’t Really Work That Way’, Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2005, Fall, 23–9.

61. E. Sterneberg, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance’, Institute of Economic Affairs, 2009.

62. R. Shamir, ‘Mind the Gap: Commodifying Corporate Social Responsibility’, Symbolic Interaction, 2005, 28, 2, 229–53.

63. S. B. Banerjee, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’, Critical Sociology, 2008, 34, 1, 51–79.

64. J.-P. Gond, G. Palazzo, and K. Basu, ‘Reconsidering Instrumental Corporate Social Responsibility Through the Mafia Metaphor’, Business Ethics Quarterly, 2009, 19, 1, 57–85.

65. R. Marens, ‘Wobbling on a One-Legged Stool: The Decline of American Pluralism and the Academic Treatment of Corporate Social Responsibility’, Journal of Academic Ethics, 2004, 2, 1, 63–87.

66. T. Rowley and S. Berman, ‘A Brand New Brand of Corporate Social Performance’, Business and Society, 2000, 39, 4, 397–418.

Part 2: Constructing CSR in the Corporation: Discourse and Objects

67. M. Humphreys and A. D. Brown, ‘An Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility at Credit Line: A Narrative Approach’, Journal of Business Ethics, 2008, 80, 403–18.

68. K. Basu and G. Palazzo, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility: A Process Model of Sensemaking’, Academy of Management Review, 2008, 33, 1, 122–36.

69. Robert Caruana and Andrew Crane, ‘Constructing Consumer Responsibility: Exploring the Role of Corporate Communication’, Organization Studies, 2008, 29, 12, 1495–519.

70. Franck Cochoy and Mylene Vabre, ‘From Stakeholders to Stakesliders: The Resistible Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility in a French Mining Company’, Responsible Organisation Review, 2007, 2, 3, 40–54.

71. Aurelién Acquier, ‘CSR in Search of a Management Model: A Case of Marginalization of a CSR Initiative’, in C. Bhattacharya et al. (eds.), Corporate Responsibility and Global Business: Implications for Corporate and Marketing Strategy (Cambridge University Press, 2010), pp. 107–32.

Part 3: Identity, Social Movement, and CSR Behaviours

72. R. Benabou and J. Tirole, ‘Individual and Corporate Social Responsibility’, Economica, 2010, 77, 1–19.

73. S. L. Brickson, ‘Organizational Identity Orientation: The Genesis of the Role of the Firm and Distinct Forms of Social Value’, Academy of Management Review, 2007, 32, 3, 864–88.

74. T. J. Rowley and M. Moldoveanu, ‘When Will Stakeholder Groups Act? An Interest- and Identity-Based Model of Stakeholder Group Mobilization’, Academy of Management Review, 2003, 28, 2, 204–19.

75. F. Hond and F. Bakker, ‘Ideologically Motivated Activism: How Activist Groups Influence Corporate Social Change Activities’, Academy of Management Review, 2007, 32, 3, 901–24.

Part 4: Reconceptualising CSR in Global Context

76. A. Scherer and G. Palazzo, ‘Towards a Political Conception of Corporate Responsibility: Business and Society Seen from a Habermasian Perspective’, Academy of Management Review, 2007, 32, 4, 1096–120.

77. D. L. Levy, ‘Political Contextation in Global Production Networks’, Academy of Management Review, 2008, 33, 4, 943–63.

1740 pages in 3 vols , Hardcover

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