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wydawnictwo: SAGE , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 108.80 Twoja cena  103,36 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Money Matters is a comprehensive guide to the basic principles of macroeconomics. It provides a nuanced yet in-depth understanding of the linkages between financial markets and the real economy.

The book covers a wide range of topics integral to both the Indian and the global economies. Beginning with a basic theoretical discussion on macroeconomics, it eases the reader into the exploration of the more advanced concepts.

Some of the important concepts discussed in the book are:

  • Fundamentals of Macroeconomics, money market, goods and services market.
  • Reserve Bank of India, money creation, supply and demand, interest rate determination, inflation and unemployment, etc.
  • International trade and foreign exchange.
  • Subprime mortgage crisis, global economic crisis and impact on India.

Written in a lucid and jargon-free manner, the text helps the reader understand the linkages between the theoretical aspects of financial markets and the actual economic developments across the globe.

Table of Contents

Economic Context of Business Activity    
Market Forces    
What is Macroeconomics?    
Goods and Services Market    
Money Market    
Inflation and Value of Money    
International Trade    
Foreign Exchange, Interest Rates, and GDP    
Aggregate Demand and Supply    
Subprime Mortgage Crisis

240 pages, paperback

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