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wydawnictwo: BUSINESS EXPERT , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 139.60 Twoja cena  132,62 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The book aims to provide a comprehensive, holistic and practical framework for readers who are interested or involved in developing a marketing plan so that they can appreciate various marketing concepts and put them together in an easy to read guide.

Demanding and savvy customers along with a turbulent marketing environment, require marketers to be highly sensitive to the environmental monitoring systems capable of identifying the latest marketing trends and opportunities and threats at an early stage. In response to these issues, the proposed manuscript covers the themes of planning, implementing and controlling marketing activities, which will provide guidance to marketers and non-marketer alike, in undertaking a marketing plan. The latest research findings in the marketing area are included.

This book is written for marketing students and it is the intention of the authors to make this manuscript as basic, straightforward and to the point as possible. Business practitioners will also find this book useful.

125 pages , Paperback

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