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wydawnictwo: WYD UE POZNAŃ , rok wydania 2008, wydanie I

cena netto: 73.90 Twoja cena  70,21 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka



This monograph is the result of research project 1 H02C 04630 "Impact of the entrepreneurial tissue on economic development- regional approach", financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Three research teams from Poznań University of Economics - Chair of Microeconomics, Gdańsk University of Technology - Department of Management and Economics from Poland and University of Seville -Department of Applied Economy from Spain were involved in the project.

The original concept of entrepreneurial tissue was used in order to analyze the influence of entrepreneurship on the regional economy. Two Polish, Pomorze and Wielkopolska, and two Spanish, Seville and Barcelona, regions were objects of case studies. Research data was derived from regional statistics and from empirical studies conducted upon the representative samples of enterprises in each region.

The research results prove that the impact of the entrepreneurial tissue on regional economy is significant. Comparison of the two Polish and Spanish regions demonstrates that higher level and ąuality of the regional entrepreneurial tissue contributes to the higher level of development and faster growth of regional economy and to lower unemployment. Also, the concept of entrepreneurial tissue proves to be a useful methodological instrument in research studies on relationships between entrepreneurship and regional economic development.

I want to thank our collegnes Amir Fazlagić and Rafał Kasperowicz for their cooperation in preparing this monograph.

Marek Rekowski Poznań, August 2008

Part l
Entrepreneurship and regional economy
Chapter 1. Entrepreneurship - a theoretical approach
(Aleksandra Gaweł) 11
Chapter 2. The impact of entrepreneurship on regional economy - evidence from empirical studies (Piotr Dominiak, Marek Rekowski) 26

Part II
Entrepreneurial tissue - definition, structure, its relation to the regional economy 
Chapter 3. Entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial structure and the economic growth of regions (Joaąuin Guzman, Francisco Javier Santos) 49
Chapter 4. The model of regional entrepreneurial tissue (Marek Rekowski) 71  

Part III
Entrepreneurial tissue - case studies ofthe Polish and Spanish regions     81
Chapter 5. Characteristic of entrepreneurial tissue of Wielkopolska and Pomorze regions (Aleksandra Gaweł) 83
Chapter 6. Stability of regional entrepreneurial tissue (Małgorzata Kokocińska, Jacek Jankiewicz) 93
Chapter 7. Foreign capital in the development of regional entrepreneurship (Eugeniusz Czerwienieć) 115
Chapter 8. Patrimonial, functional and productive dependence  (Marek Rekowski) 137
Chapter 9. Innovation and development quality (Lech Woj ciechowski) 148
Chapter 10. Cooperation among enterprises from Pomorze and Wielkopolska region (Nelly Daszkiewicz) 170
Chapter 11. Human capital: an analysis for firms from Wielkopolska and Pomorze (Julita Wasilczuk) 184
Chapter 12. Entrepreneurship and financial management (Sławomir Kalinowski, Jacek Jastrzębski) 206
Chapter 13. The entrepreneurial tissue of the Spanish regions: the case of Seville and Barcelona (Felipe Rafael Caceres Carrasco,
Isidiro Romero Luna, Francisco Linian Alcalde) 228
Chapter 14. The impact of entrepreneurial tissue on the level of economic development in Pomorze and Wielkoplska (Marek Rekowski) 247

274 pages, Paperback

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