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wydawnictwo: WYD UE POZNAŃ , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 43.20 Twoja cena  41,04 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


Preface 5
Hieronim Kubera
Development directions in packaging technology 7
Gunter Grundke
The European Packaging Institute (EPI) - aims, tasks and results 16
Karolina Assman, Hieronim Kubera, Krzysztof Melski
Influence of microwave emission on PVC film for shallow embossing 20
Natalia Czaj a-Jagielska, Krzysztof Melski
Changes in the properties of biodegradable packaging materials after microwave irradiation 27
Hieronim Kubera, Krzysztof Melski, Joanna Szymczak
Behavior of poły (lactic acid) containers in microwave oven 33
Andrzej Korzeniowski, Maria Stryjakowska-Sekulska, Natalia Czaja-Jagielska
The efifect of mould Penicillinum glaucum on the ąuality of bar codes on thermo-transferable logistic labels 39
Magda Morawska, Izabela Steinka, Sławomir Lisiecki, Maria Rutkowska
The influence of cottage cheese components on barrier, mechanical and thermal properties of polylactide packaging films 48
Izabela Steinka, Magda Morawska, Anita Kukułowicz
The influence of lactic acid cheese components on the selected properties of polyamide/ polyethylene laminates 56
Nina Domantsevych, Olena Aksimentyeva , Bogdan Yatsyshyn
Structure and properties of the modified polyethylene films 67
Marzena Ucherek
Possibilities of using modified atmosphere to packaging food product 76
Wojciech Kozak, Tomasz Gołębieski, Ryszard Cierpiszewski
A new oxygen indicator for use in an oxygen free atmosphere 85
Wojciech Kozak, Zenon Foltynowicz
Food protection by means of oxygen scavengers in form of silicone encased iron 91
Piotr Janicki, Halina Podsiadło
Security printing - the additional value to the printing technology 105
Marta Gajadhur, Halina Podsiadło
Influence of ink drying process of different sheet-fed offset printing inks on solid body of colours 109
Joanna Izdebska, Halina Podsiadło
Plausibility of using water colours for printing of packages 116

125 pages, Paperback

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