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wydawnictwo: PEARSON , rok wydania 2011, wydanie XI

cena netto: 455.00 Twoja cena  432,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

For Business Communication courses in any curriculum.

Real-world training for the business world of today and tomorrow.

The field’s leading text for more than two decades, Business Communication Today continues to provide the cutting-edge coverage that students can count on to prepare them for real business practice. Other textbooks release new editions that don’t reflect their copyright year, training students in practices from last decade–Bovée/Thill provides real-world training for the business world of today and tomorrow.

This edition includes up-to-date coverage of the social communication model that’s redefining business communication and reshaping the relationships between companies and their stakeholders.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Understanding the Foundations of Business Communication
Chapter 1: Achieving Success through Effective Business Communication
Chapter 2: Mastering Interpersonal Communication
Chapter 3: Communicating in a World of Diversity
Part 2: Applying the Three-Step Writing Process
Chapter 4: Planning Business Messages
Chapter 5: Writing Business Messages
Chapter 6: Completing Business Messages
Part 3: Crafting Brief Messages
Chapter 7: Crafting Messages for Electronic Media
Chapter 8: Writing Routine and Positive Messages
Chapter 9: Writing Negative Messages
Chapter 10: Writing Persuasive Messages
Part 4: Supporting Messages with Quality Information
Chapter 11: Finding, Evaluating, and Processing Information
Chapter 12: Designing Visual Communication
Part 5: Planning, Writing, and Completing Reports and Proposals
Chapter 13: Planning Reports and Proposals
Chapter 14: Writing Reports and Proposals
Chapter 15: Completing Reports and Proposals
Part 6: Designing and Delivering Oral and Online Presentations
Chapter 16: Developing Oral and Online Presentations
Chapter 17: Enhancing Presentations with Slides and Other Visuals
Part 7: Writing Employment Messages and Interviewing for Jobs
Chapter 18: Building Careers and Writing Résumés
Chapter 19: Applying and Interviewing for Employment
Appendix A: Format and Layout of Business Documents
Appendix B: Documentation of Report Sources
Appendix C: Correction Symbols

720 pages, Paperback

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