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wydawnictwo: PEARSON , rok wydania 2011, wydanie III

cena netto: 300.30 Twoja cena  285,29 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Economics and the Business Environment’ presents the essential principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics applied to the world of business while also looking at wider, topical business issues, such as business strategy, corporate social responsibility, ethics and the state of the global environment in which we live.

John Sloman is Director of the Economics Network – the economics subject centre of the Higher Education Academy – based at the University of Bristol. He is the author of several best-selling textbooks in economics used by students across the world, and also published by Pearson Education.

Elizabeth Jones is a Teaching Fellow in Economics and her teaching interests include the economics of education, health care and poverty issues. She delivers the core first year modules in Economics at the University of Exeter, as well as teaching the Economics of Social Policy.

Table of Contents

Guided tour


Custom publishing

Part A - Introduction

Chapter 1: Business and the economic environment

Part B - Markets, demand and supply

Chapter 2: The working of competitive markets
Chapter 3: Demand and the consumer
Chapter 4: Supply decisions in a perfectly competitive market

Part C - The microeconomic environment of business

Chapter 5: Pricing and output decisions in imperfectly competitive markets
Chapter 6: Business growth and strategy
Chapter 7: Multinational corporations and business strategy in a global economy
Chapter 8: Labour and employment
Chapter 9: Government, the firm and the market

Part D - The macroeconomic environment of business

Chapter 10: The economy and business activity
Chapter 11: National macroeconomic policy
Chapter 12: The global trading environment
Chapter 13: The global financial environment

Web appendix
Key ideas

Book with access code

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