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wydawnictwo: PEARSON , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 575.96 Twoja cena  547,16 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Directly addressing the challenges and opportunities in our changing world, Management: A Focus on Leaders shows future managers how to lead in today’s complex, yet exciting, global environment.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Managing and Leading Today: The New Rules

Chapter 2: The Leadership Imperative: It’s Up to You

Chapter 3: Motivation and Meaning: What Makes People Want to Work?

Chapter 4: Communication: The Key to Resonant Relationships

Chapter 5: Planning and Strategy: Bringing the Vision to Life

Chapter 6: The Human Side of Planning: Decision Making and Critical Thinking

Chapter 7: Change: A Focus on Adaptability and Resiliency

Chapter 8: Workplace Essentials: Creativity, Innovation, and a Spirit of Entrepreneurship

Chapter 9: Organizing for a Complex World: Structure and Design

Chapter 10: Teams and Team Building: How to Work Effectively with Others

Chapter 11: Working in a Virtual Word: Technology as a Way of Life

Chapter 12: Organizational Controls: People, Processes, Quality, and Results

Chapter 13: Culture: It’s Powerful

Chapter 14: Globalization: Managing Effectively in a Global Economic Environment

Chapter 15: Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility: Ensuring the Future

Chapter 16: Managing and Leading for Tomorrow: A Focus on Your Future

720 pages, Paperback

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