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wydawnictwo: PEARSON , rok wydania 2010, wydanie VII

cena netto: 411.10 Twoja cena  390,55 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Buchanan and Huczynski bring their well-known and successful brand of critical thinking, social science underpinning, and visual appraisal to bear in this comprehensive introduction to organizational behaviour.

Now in its 7th edition, this highly successful textbook has been substantially updated to include the latest research, most relevant contemporary issues and up-to-date practical examples.

Organizational Behaviour involves the reader directly, placing you in the position of a decision-making and problem-solving manager, inviting you to see the reality behind an organizational image, and encouraging you to make comparisons with well-known scenes in film and literature.

David A. Buchanan is Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Cranfield University, 

Andrzej A. Huczynski is Senior Lecturer in Organizational Behaviour at the University of Glasgow.

Table of Contents


1. Explaining organizational behaviour

2. Environment

3. Technology

4. Culture

5. Learning

6. Personality

7. Communication

8. Perception

9. Motivation

10. Group formation

11. Group structure

12. Individuals in groups

13. Teamworking

14. Traditional work design

15. Elements of structure

16. Early organizational design

17. Organizational architectures

18. Organizational change

19. Leadership

20. Decision making

21. Conflict

22. Power and politics

Book with access code

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