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wydawnictwo: PEARSON , rok wydania 2011, wydanie XI

cena netto: 466.60 Twoja cena  443,27 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The core concepts and tools students need to make informed investment decisions.

Fundamentals of Investing helps students make informed investment decisions in their personal and professional lives by providing a solid foundation of core concepts and tools. Gitman/Joehnk/Smart use practical, hands-on applications to introduce the topics and techniques used by both personal investors and money managers. The authors integrate a consistent framework based on learning goals to keep students focused on what is most important in each chapter. Students leave the course with the necessary information for developing, implementing, and monitoring a successful investment program.

The eleventh edition addresses the current financial crisis and the impact it has made on the markets.

Table of Contents

Part One: Preparing to Invest
Chapter 1: The Investment Environment
Chapter 2: Securities Markets and Transaction
Chapter 3: Investment Information and Securities Transactions

Part Two: important Conceptual Tools

Chapter 4: Return and Risk
Appendix 4A: The Time Value of Money
Chapter 5: Modern Portfolio Concepts

Part Three: Investing in Common Stocks

Chapter 6: Common Stocks
Chapter 7: Analyzing Common Stocks
Chapter 8: Stock Valuation
Chapter 9: Market Efficiency, Behavioral Finance, and Technical Analysis

Part Four: Investing in Fixed-Income

Chapter 10: Fixed-Income Securities
Chapter 11: Bond Valuation

Part Five: Portfolio Management

Chapter 12: Mutual Funds: Professionally Managed Portfolios
Chapter 13: Managing Your Own Portfolio

Part Six: Derivative Securities

Chapter 14: Options: Puts and Calls
Chapter 15: Commodities and Financial Futures

Book with access code

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