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wydawnictwo: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 446.60 Twoja cena  424,27 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The Economics of Henry George

History's Rehabilitation of America's Greatest Early Economist

Henry George was the greatest, most famous and most rejected of early American economists. Without formal education he trained himself in classical economics and developed a theory of a "single tax" suggestive of the work of the earlier French économistes. Academic economists of his day rejected his work, but it enjoyed great public popularity in the United States, Europe, Australia and other places. He was more widely read than any other early American economist. History has seen his rehabilitation at the hand of modern economists who have reviewed and analyzed his work in great detail. There is much specialized literature on many specific facets and aspects of George's work, but we lack a book which provides an overview of George's economics and of this historic rehabilitation. This brief book attempts to fill that gap.

PHILLIP J. BRYSON is the Douglas and Effie Driggs Professor of Economics in the Department of Finance at Brigham Young University Marriot School and Associate Director of the David M. Kennedy Center for International and Area Studies, USA. His expertise is in the areas of comparative economics systems, international economics, and microeconomics with particular research focus on fiscal decentralization, the Chinese economy, and Henry George in contemporary economics. 

Table of Contents

Henry George's Pursuit of Knowledge: On Methodology and Methods 
The Life and Economics of Henry George 
Henry George's Theory of Distribution  
Henry George on Free Trade and Protection 
Henry George on Land and Land Policy 
Henry George and Modern Economics

250 pages, Hardcover

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