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wydawnictwo: CAMBRIDGE , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 154.00 Twoja cena  146,30 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Law and Governance in Postnational Europe

Compliance Beyond the Nation-State

This 2005 book argues that Europeanization and globalization have led to ever-more intensive legalization at transnational level. What accounts for compliance beyond the nation-state?

The authors tackle this question by comparing compliance with regulations that have been formulated in a very similar way at different levels of governance. They test compliance with rules at the national level, at the regional level (EU), and at a global level (WTO), finding that in fact the EU has higher levels of compliance than both international and national rules.

The authors argue that this is because the EU has a higher level of legalization, combined with effective monitoring mechanisms and sanctions. In this respect it seems that the European Union has indeed achieved a high level of legalization and compliance, though the authors add that this achievement does not settle the related queries with the legitimacy of transnational governance and law.

• Provides multiple comparisons: policies, political levels, theoretical approaches
• Offers a perspective on the effects, on the output and outcomes of common institutions rather than on their creation or decision-making
• Interdisciplinary analysis: political science and law

Table of Contents

List of tables
Notes on contributors
1. Introduction: law and compliance at different levels Michael Zürn
2. The analysis of compliance with international rules: definitions, variables and methodology Jürgen Neyer and Dieter Wolf
3. State aid control at the national, European and international level Dieter Wolf
4. Domestic limits of supranational law: comparing compliance with European and international foodstuffs regulations Jürgen Neyer
5. Politics of intergovernmental redistribution: comparing compliance with European and federal redistributive regulations Jürgen Neyer
6. Conclusions - the conditions of compliance Michael Zürn and Jürgen Neyer
7. Compliance research in legal perspectives Christian Joerges

312 pages,Paperback

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