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wydawnictwo: ROUTLEDGE , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 255.00 Twoja cena  242,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Marketing Management and Communications in the Public Sector

The fields of marketing and communication have become increasingly important for modern public administrations in recent years but the focus on these subjects has been geared mainly towards the generation of outputs, leaving somewhat behind the analysis and deeper reflections on the impact they make and their limitations.

This book provides a thorough overview of the major concepts in marketing and communication which is done by utilizing an exclusive and decisive public-sector approach, with an unambiguous international outlook. The possibilities and limits of the application of marketing and communication, from strategic aspects to the more concrete questions of instruments and implementation, are discussed and if the realities of the public sector are the key to any understanding of marketing and communication, the international scene is the only possible ground to do this in.

Aided by a multitude of pedagogical features, Marketing Management and Communications in the Public Sector is a key read for all students, practitioners and scholars working or studying in this field.

Martial Pasquier is Professor of Public Management and leads the Public Marketing Chair at the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP), Switzerland. He also teaches in other academic institutions and directs the Swiss Public Administration Network (SPAN). Professor Pasquier is vice-president of the Swiss Competition Commission and sits on numerous Boards and Foundation Councils

Jean-Patrick Villeneuve is Professor of Public Management at the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP), Switzerland and leads the International Public Governance unit. He additionally teaches at other academic institutions in Europe, North America and Asia

Table of Contents

1. Public Management and Marketing

2. Marketing and Public Marketing

3. Organizations, Citizens and Consumers

4. Basic Marketing Concepts

5. Marketing Information Research

6. Marketing Strategy

7. Marketing Instruments

8. Public Communications: An Introduction

9. Communication Models and Strategies

10. Communication Instruments

11. Communication Control

12. Crisis Communication Appendix A: A Case Study

262 pages, Paperback

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