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wydawnictwo: PEARSON , rok wydania 2011, wydanie IX

cena netto: 477.40 Twoja cena  453,53 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics takes a policy-oriented approach, introducing economic theory in the context of debates and empirical work from the field.

Readers will gain a global perspective of both environmental and natural resource economics.

Brief Table of Contents:



  1. Visions of the Future
  2. The Economic Approach: Property Rights, Externalities and Environmental Problems
  3. Evaluating Trade-offs: Benefit-Cost Analysis and other Decision-Making Metrics
  4. Valuing the Environment: Methods
  5. Dynamic Efficiency and Sustainable Development
  6. Depletable Resource Allocation: The Role of Longer Time Horizons, Substitutes and Extraction Cost
  7. Energy: The Transition from Depletable to Renewable Resources
  8. Recyclable Resources: Minerals, Paper, Bottles, and E-Waste
  9. Replenishable but Depletable Resources: Water
  10. A Locationally Fixed, Multipurpose Resource: Land
  11. Reproducible Private-Property Resources: Agriculture and Food Security
  12. Storable, Renewable Resources: Forests
  13. Common-Pool Resources: Fisheries and Other Commercially Valuable Species
  14. Economics of Pollution Control: An Overview
  15. Stationary-Source Local and Regional Air Pollution
  16. Climate Change
  17. Mobile-Source Air Pollution
  18. Water Pollution
  19. Toxic Substances and Environmental Justice
  20. The Quest for Sustainable Development
  21. Population and Development
  22. Visions of the Future Revisited

696 pages, Paperback

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