TIETENBERG T. LEWIS L. wydawnictwo: PEARSON , rok wydania 2011, wydanie IX cena netto: 477.40 Twoja cena 453,53 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics takes a policy-oriented
approach, introducing economic theory in the context of debates and empirical work from
the field.
Readers will gain a global perspective of both environmental and natural
resource economics.
Brief Table of Contents:
- Visions of the Future
- The Economic Approach: Property Rights, Externalities and Environmental Problems
- Evaluating Trade-offs: Benefit-Cost Analysis and other Decision-Making Metrics
- Valuing the Environment: Methods
- Dynamic Efficiency and Sustainable Development
- Depletable Resource Allocation: The Role of Longer Time Horizons, Substitutes
and Extraction Cost
- Energy: The Transition from Depletable to Renewable Resources
- Recyclable Resources: Minerals, Paper, Bottles, and E-Waste
- Replenishable but Depletable Resources: Water
- A Locationally Fixed, Multipurpose Resource: Land
- Reproducible Private-Property Resources: Agriculture and Food Security
- Storable, Renewable Resources: Forests
- Common-Pool Resources: Fisheries and Other Commercially Valuable Species
- Economics of Pollution Control: An Overview
- Stationary-Source Local and Regional Air Pollution
- Climate Change
- Mobile-Source Air Pollution
- Water Pollution
- Toxic Substances and Environmental Justice
- The Quest for Sustainable Development
- Population and Development
- Visions of the Future Revisited
696 pages, Paperback
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