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wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 49.30 Twoja cena  46,84 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Knowledge Diffusion Methods in a Networking Company. Knowledge Business Models

Introduction 9

Method 1. Two dimensions of knowledge creation 11
Method 2. Subjective and objective knowledge identification 12
Method 3. Four ways of knowledge conversion 12
Method 4. Metaphor and analogy in the creation of the product’s concept 13
Method 5. The analysis of Japanese and Western style of organizational knowledge creation 14
Method 6. Knowledge creation in a company „life cycle” 15
Method 7. Knowledge acquisition 15
Method 8. Network evaluation 16
Method 9. Evaluation of your regional network economy 17
Method 10. Knowledge exchange 18
Method 11. Conversion strategies: tacit into explicit knowledge 19
Method 12. Learning organization identification 19
Method 13. Knowledge outsourcing and insourcing 20
Method 14. Knowledge spiral in a company 21
Method 15. Primary and secondary knowledge in a networking company 21
Method 16. The analysis of attributes of a networking company 22
Method 17. Analysis of the product/service value chain 23
Method 18. Formal department and knowledge flow 24
Method 19. The application steps of the new management methods 24
Method 20. Business models 25
Method 21. Knowledge structure 26
Method 22. Knowledge Management instruments in small business 26
Method 23. Knowledge spiral 27
Method 24. Knowledge roles 28
Method 25. Problem solutions 29
Method 26. Primary and secondary knowledge in a networking company 30
Method 27. The analysis of cooperation chains with a client 31
Method 28. The selection of involved entity (IE) for creation of knowledge community 31
Method 29. External and internal benchmarking of knowledge management best practices 32
Method 30. Managing relations 32
Method 31. Positioning of intellectual capital in an enterprise 33
Method 32. Vectorial analysis of intellectual capital 33
Method 33. The analysis of a sport club knowledge area 34
Method 34. The analysis of explicit and tacit knowledge in a sport club 35
Method 35. Barriers for knowledge transfer in a networking company 35
Method 36. Organizational knowledge creation in a networking company 36
Method 37. The organizational spiral of knowledge creation 37
Method 38. Five-phase model of knowledge creation 39
Method 39. The identification and analysis of management model in your enterprise 41
Method 40. Identification of knowledge about clients 42
Method 41. Client’s knowledge about the company 42
Method 42. Changing the geometry of network structure 43
Method 43. Life cycle of implicit and explicit knowledge 43
Method 44. Transformation of individual knowledge into organizational one 44
Method 45. The identification of organizational learning orientation in your company 45
Method 46. The analysis of factors facilitating learning process 46
Method 47. Company as a knowledge storage 47
Method 48. Organizational structure vs. knowledge flow 48
Method 49. Knowledge creation in a network system 48
Method 50. The analysis of an enterprise potential in the process of its transformation into a knowledge factory 49
Method 51. Restructuring of the business model 49
Method 52. Innovations vs. knowledge 50
Method 53. Business intelligence as the instrument of acquiring knowledge 51
Method 54. The analysis of implicit knowledge dimensions 52
Method 55. Metaphors and ambiguity 52
Method 56. Sharing individual knowledge 53
Method 57. The analysis of friendly and absorbing networks 53
Method 58. Phases of creating relations network with clients of a virtual enterprise 54
Method 59. The diagnosis of a ragged network 56
Method 60. The analysis of an integrator company „distance” 57
Method 61. The analysis of unstructured network 58
Method 62. The analysis of structured network 59
Method 63. The analysis of the extent of processes complexity 60
Method 64. The analysis of network selection criteria 61
Method 65. Solving problems in a network 61
Method 66. The analysis of organizational roles in the process of knowledge creation 62
Method 67. First contact 63
Method 68. Chains of knowledge in a service company 63
Method 69. Marketplace vs. market space of a trading company 64
Method 70. Expanding the value chain 64
Method 71. In which field does your enterprise „spin”? 65
Method 72. Overabundance reduction 66
Method 73. Designing reorientation 66
Method 74. Chains of knowledge 67
Method 75. Value chains 67
Method 76. Scenarios of transformations 68
Final remarks 69

Bibliography 70
List of figures 71
List of tables 72

68 pages, Paperback

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