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wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 73.90 Twoja cena  70,21 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


Preface 9

Chapter 1. Introduction to management 11
1.1. The nature of an organisation 11
1.1.1. Defining an organisation 11
1.1.2. Why do we need organisations? 13
1.1.3. Variety of organisations 14
1.1.4. The model of an organisation 15
1.1.5. Organisational life cycle 17
1.2. Organisation in its environment 19
1.2.1. Defining environment 19
1.2.2. Types of organisational environment 20
1.2.3. The task environment 22
1.2.4. The general environment 22
1.2.5. The international environment 23
1.2.6. Environmental uncertainty 25
1.3. The process of management 26
1.3.1. What is management? 26
1.3.2. The management functions 27
1.3.3. Managers within an organisation 28
Chapter 2. Management functions 33
2.1. Planning and decision-making 33
2.1.1. The idea of planning in organisation 33
2.1.2. Decision-making process 35
2.2. Organising and organisational structure 38
2.2.1. Defining an organisational structure 38
2.2.2. Structural dimensions 39
2.2.3. Basic types of organisational design 42
2.2.4. Determinants of an organisational structure 48
2.3. Leading 50
2.3.1. The nature and bases of power 50
2.3.2. Leadership 51
2.3.3. Theories and tools of motivation 56
2.4. Control 61
2.4.1. The nature and purpose of control 61
2.4.2. Types of control 62
2.4.3. Effective control system 64
2.4.4. Self-control 66
Chapter 3 Strategies 67
Introduction 67
3.1. Strategic management process 68
3.2. Strategic analysis 71
3.3. Types of strategies – strategy formulation 80
3.3.1. Strategy levels 82
3.3.2. Types of strategy 85 Corporate directional strategy 85 The Ansoff’s Growth Matrix 87 Competitive strategy – Porter’s offensive strategies 89
3.4. Strategy implementation 91
Chapter 4. Methods 94
Introduction 94
4.1. Management by Objectives (MBO) 95
4.2. Management by Time 97
4.3. Management by Conflicts 99
4.4. Management by Communication 108
4.5. Contemporary approaches 116
4.5.1. Total Quality Management (TQM) 116
4.5.2. Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) 119
4.5.3. Lean Management 120
4.5.4. Benchmarking 122
4.5.5. Learning organisation and knowledge management 125
Chapter 5. The evolution of management theory 134
Introduction 134
5.1. Scientific and administrative management 134
5.1.1. Scientific Management Theory 134
5.1.2. Administrative Management Theory 136
5.2. Behavioural Management Theory 137
5.3. The Systems Theory and Contingency Approach 139
Final remarks 140
References 141
Subject index 146
List of figures 150
List of tables 152

151 pages, Hardcover

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