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wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 52.40 Twoja cena  49,78 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Macroeconomics Economics 6

PN 81


Agnieszka Ciechelska: “Green” products on investment market – example of socially responsible investment funds 
Bogusława Skulska: Regionalism in Eastern Asia 
Jarosław Kundera: Preparation of Polish accession into euro zone in the time of financial crisis
Katarzyna Kuźniar: Conditioning of the process of technology transfer from science into business in Poland 
Janusz Łyko: System of weights in analysis of inflation
Adam Noga: Towards a transformation costs theory
Beniamin Noga: Determinants of contemporary economic development 
Marian Noga: Decisions of monetary authorities in the light of monetary policy transparency 
Dominik Nowak: Is the flat open-economy Phillips curve deceptive illusion? 
Janusz Rosiek: Dilemmas of monetary policy in the aspect of Polish integration with the European Monetary Union 
Tadeusz Sporek: Perspectives for the implementation of euro currency in Poland  
Magdalena Kinga Stawicka: Foreign direct investments – theoretical aspect
Marian Noga: Review of Systems, Structures and Agents under Globalization: European and Russian Tendencies, edited by Nina Slanevskaya, Asterion, St. Petersburg 2008  

155 pages, B5, oprawa miękka

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