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wydawnictwo: WYD UE WROCŁAW , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

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Forecasting Econometrics 28

PN 91


Maria Balcerowicz-Szkutnik: Labour market in Baltic countries –the current condition and prospects of changes
Marcin Błażejowski: Econometric analysis of producer discount policy
Paweł Dittmann: The cost of forecast errors in company sales forecast
Józef Garczarczyk, Robert Skikiewicz: The use of barometers in forecasting changes in the banking market situation
Maria M. Kaźmierska-Zatoń, Wojciech Zatoń: Multi-criteria combined forecasts
Paweł Kufel: Comparison of congruent dynamic econometric model fore-casts and SETAR model forecasts
Tadeusz Kufel: Modelling seasonally integrated processes and processes with seasonal volatility for daily data
Barbara Namysłowska-Wilczyńska, Artur Wilczyński: 3D electric power demand forecasting as a tool for planning electrical power firm’s activity by means of geostatistical methods
Konstancja Poradowska: Forecasting new events occurrence time on the example of the analysis of foresight research results
Aneta Sobiechowska-Ziegert: Equilibrium price –modelling, forecast and application
Ewelina Sokołowska: Price forecasting and hedging methods in an enterprise
Ewa Szabela-Pasierbińska: Verification of the forecasts for first generation biofuel production in Poland in 2006-2008
Włodzimierz Szkutnik: Anticipation of the price of CAT bond in the man-agement of the process of securitization of catastrophe insurance risk
Aleksandra Szpulak: Forecasting cash flows from investment
Jacek Welc: Seasonality of earnings forecast errors in the case of Polish public companies
Marek Witkowski: Simple method of sales profitability forecasting in an enterprise
Jan Zawadzki, Mateusz Goc: Forecasting distributions of variables with seasonal fluctuations

207 pages, Paperback

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