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wydawnictwo: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 405.00 Twoja cena  384,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Over the last 20 years, the convergence between banking and insurance activities has rapidly grown in Europe, evolving from simple commercial agreements to fully integrated models. The competitive viability of bancassurance strongly depends on market fluctuations and current trends in the financial services industry. This results in changing fortunes and cyclic successes, intensifying the debate between bancassurance advocates and sceptics.

This book offers a comprehensive view on the evolution of the phenomenon, from its origin to challenges and opportunities in the near future, also considering some relevant changes in customers preferences and regulation.

It also provides a detailed, systematic review of the existing theoretical and empirical literature on financial conglomeration,paying special attention to banks entering the insurance business. Finally, the main findings from an empirical analysis of the potential efficiency gains of bancassurance are discussed, adopting both banking and insurance perspectives.

FRANCO FIORDELISI Professor of Banking and Finance in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Rome III, Italy. He is also Visiting Research Fellow at Bangor Business School, Bangor University, UK, the Essex Finance Centre of the University of Essex, UK, the European Central Bank and the Olin Business School of the Washington University in St Louis, US. He is author of publications in several journals: Journal of Banking & Finance, Omega – The International Journal of Management, European Financial Management, European Journal of Finance, Applied Economics, Applied Financial Economics. His recent books include Shareholder Value in European Banking, New Drivers of Performance in a Changing Financial World, Mergers and Acquisitions in European Banking, New Issues in Financial and Credit Markets and New Issues in Financial Institutions Management.

ORNELLA RICCI Assistant Professor of Banking and Finance in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Rome III, Italy. Her main research interests focus on financial conglomeration and bancassurance. She is author of several publications on financial institutions, including articles in the European Journal of Finance and Applied Financial Economics.

Table of Contents

Introduction; F.Fiordelisi & O.Ricci
The Development of Bancassurance in Europe; O.Ricci
Bancassurance Products; M.G.Starita
Bancassurance: The Market Reality in Europe; M.Caratelli
The Regulatory Framework; M.G.Starita
Insurance Financial Statements; S.Pucci
Studying the Bancassurance Phenomenon: A Literature Review; O.Ricci
Studying the Bancassurance Phenomenon: An Empirical Exploratory Analysis on a European Sample; F.Fiordelisi & O.Ricci
Studying the Bancassurance Phenomenon: A Two Side Analysis on the Relevant Case of Italy; F.Fiordelisi & O.Ricci
Conclusions; F.Fiordelisi & O.Ricci

248 pages, Hardcover

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