In order to develop the most
efficient and cost effective systems and processes, today's cash manager must address a
number of new and exciting issues; technological advances, liquidity management,
globalisation and the impact of the euro are just a few of the challenges.
Euromoney's International
Cash Management Handbook is a worthy read as issues such as continuous linked settlement,
liquidity management solutions are reviewed and current developments in European cash
management are also discussed. Future plans are also tackled, such as; Step2 and Basel II,
proving further that it is a useful guide to the challenges to cash managers. The
inclusive directory includes over 200 contacts from financial institutions and cash
management associations.
by Olivier Brissaud,
Honorary Secretary 2004 of the International Group of Treasury Associations (IGTA)
European cash management:
time to reap the benefits
A year in the life of CLS:
challenges and future developments
Liquidity management
solutions: are you in control?
Step2: a pan-European ACH
for the single euro payments area
52 pages