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wydawnictwo: EUROMONEY , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 860.00 Twoja cena  817,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

As difficult market conditions place share holder value and cost reduction in non-core activities to the fore, outsourcing has become an increasingly popular activity. Competition is now fierce amongst outsourcers as the first wave of firms have positioned their outsourcing contracts, but the key question now facing the industry is how it can improve and augment the services offered to clients.

Euromoney's new Outsourcing Handbook is a definitive guide to who's who in the market. Issues such as outsourcing offshore and the key commercial, legal issues and benefits that can be gained from doing so and the implementations from business process outsourcing are reviewed. There is also a focus on outsourcing in the financial industry and its prevalence as a response to the current market conditions and you can also review the advantages of outsourcing and note what has been learnt.

Table of Contents

by Peter Bendor-Samuel, Chief Executive Officer, Everest Group


Business process outsourcing and offshoring: proceed...but with eyes wide open

Success in outsourcing - key considerations for effective planning and implementation

Outsourcing challenges and keys to success

Why outsource offshore? The benefits

Offshore outsourcing: key commercial and legal issues

Outsourcing in Sweden: key considerations and regulatory developments

Outsourcing is inveitable! Ten golden rules for managing an outsourcing programme

60 pages

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