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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2004, wydanie I

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Financial Accounting: A New Perspective embodies an approach to teaching that has been developed by author Paul Solomon for over 30 years. The perspective is student-centered in that it motivates students by truly acknowledging them as business majors first-by taking them out of the preparer mode yet still emphasizing how they cannot be successful in business without accounting. Solomon begins not by talking about business and accounting in the abstract, but by introducing a realistic, concrete business case that students can count on throughout the book as a controlled environment in which to learn new concepts.

Solomon's text presents principles of financial accounting through a framework using the entrepreneurial running case, Cards and Memoribilia Unlimited, which is fully integrated throughout the text. This case engages the student while exposing them to the use of financial accounting statements and information in developing a new business and their role in business decision making. Early on in the book, corporate financial statements are introduced along side those of CMU. Solomon covers debits and credits but delays their presentation until chapter 9--which may well prove to be preferable to skipping them altogether. Students are more prepared to cover debits and credits later in the course and professors are able to at least introduce these important concepts to their business and accounting majors.


Financial Accounting: A New Perspective uses a "spiral" approach to teaching that introduces concepts to students as they are ready for them. More importantly, it doesn't require them to master concepts in one presentation. Instead, students have two or more opportunities to refine their understanding of particular concepts. For example, early in the text students are presented with overviews of not only the balance sheet and income statement but also the statement of cash flows. These statements are revisited again and again in the text allowing them to see the effects of transactions.

The text has an intuitive organization by presenting the three business activities of financing, investing, and operating rather than a daunting list of balance sheet accounts.

Debits and Credits are deferred until chapter 9 and then can be introduced to students and used in later chapters if the instructor so desires. If the instructor prefers to not teach them at all they can continue to concentrate on the transaction analysis as they have in the preceding chapters.

Cards & Memorabilia Unlimited (CMU) is a running case introduced at the beginning of Chapter One and is integrated throughout. This case captures and maintains students interest as they discover the purpose and function of basic accounting concepts. The case focuses on Susan Newman and her developing business. Along the way, students are introduced to relevant accounting tools, including ratios, debits and credits, and financial statements, that Susan will use in her business. Students can understand why they are learning the material and how it is relevant to the world of business. After Chapter One, the CMU icon appears in the text's margins to signal when the case is being used so students can easily follow along.

Solomon presents financial information for both small businesses as well as large corporations. While students are able to identify with the running case as it presents the business transactions critical to an entrepreneurial start-up, they are given compare and contrast examples of how corporations report their financial information. By consistently juxtaposing the two, students become comfortable with how the effects of essential business transactions and activities are transformed into the information found on corporate financial statements.

Ratio Analysis is integrated throughout the text so that the students continue to be familiar with ratio analysis instead of just seeing it all at one time in the text.

Managerial, International, Ethics and Internet oriented issues are integrated into the text--not placed into boxes. Students often see text boxes as irrelevant material to be skipped. In the real world, managerial concerns, international accounting, ethics and the Internet are not issues that can be ignored or pushed aside. In Solomon they are similarly built into the narrative and highlighted in such a way that students and professors will immediately understand the relevance and currency of theses important topics.

Integration of actual information from real Annual Reports to illustrate accounting concepts helps the students know what to expect from 'real world' information and reinforces the importance of being able to read and interpret the information in financial statements.

Very student-friendly writing style engages the student and increases their desire to continue reading on in the text while making them feel successful in their understanding of the material at hand.

End-of-chapter material is tied to chapter Performance Objectives so that students are able to see where their knowledge is applied. Icons indicate to which objective a problem is tied and on what text page that specific objective was first presented. End-of-chapter material also includes a Summary with Key Terms, "Making Business Decisions" questions, Short Answer Questions, Reinforcement Exercises, Critical Thinking Problems, Excel Spreadsheet Assignments, Research Assignments, and Internet Assignments.

Each text includes Free access to NetTutor and PowerWeb for financial accounting.


Online Learning Center with PowerWeb (OLC) is a website that follows the text chapter-by-chapter with digital supplementary content germane to the book. As students read the book, they can go online to take self-grading quizzes, review material, and work through interactive exercises. Thanks to embedded PowerWeb content, students can get quicker access to real-world news and essays that pertain to the discipline their studying. OLCs can be delivered multiple ways--through the textbook website, through PageOut, or within a course management system (i.e., WebCT or Blackboard).

McGraw-Hill's Knowledge Gateway--The Complete Resource for Teaching Online Courses. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, in partnership with Eduprise, is proud to bring this unique service to instructors. This comprehensive Website contains a wealth of information for any professor interested in teaching online. Level one is available to any instructor browsing our Website. Level two is reserved for McGraw-Hill customers and contains access to free technical and instructional design assistance. For more details, visit http://mhhe.eduprise.com/home.nsf

PageOut is McGraw-Hill's unique point-and click course Website tool, enabling you to create a full-featured, professional quality course Website without knowing HTML coding. With PageOut you can post your syllabus online, assign McGraw-Hill Online Learning Center or eBook content, add links to important off-site resources, and maintain student results in the online grade book. You can send class announcements, copy your course site to share with colleagues, and upload original files. PageOut is free for every McGraw-Hill/Irwin user and, if you're short on time, we even have a team ready to help you create your site!

PowerWeb. This online reservoir of discipline-specific news articles and essays offer a great way to keep your course current, while complementing textbook concepts with real-world applications. Articles and essays from leading periodicals and niche publications in specific disciplines are reviewed by professors like you to ensure fruitful search results every time. PowerWeb also offers current news, weekly updates with assessment, interactive exercises, Web research guide, study tips, and much more! http://www.dushkin.com/powerweb.

Table of Contents Chapter 1- Introduction to a Business: Cards & Memorabilia Unlimited

Appendix 1-1 Cards & Memorabilia Unlimited
Chapter 2--Analyzing the Transactions of a Business
Chapter 3--Financial Statements and Their Relationships
Chapter 4--The Balance Sheet
Chapter 5--Using the Balance Sheet to Make Decisions
Chapter 6--The Income Statement
Chapter 7--Using the Income Statement to Make Decisions
Chapter 8--The Statement of Cash Flows
Chapter 9--The Accounting Process: Manual and Computerized Systems
Appendix 9-1 Learning How to Use T-Account Analysis
Chapter 10--Comparing Financial Statements by Entity and Industry
Appendix 10-1 Learning How to Read Consolidated Financial Statements
Chapter 11--How Operating Activities Affect Financial Statements
Chapter 12--How Investing Activities Affect Financial Statements
Appendix 12-1 Mastering Compound Interest Concepts (With Tables)
Chapter 13--How Financing Activities Affect Financial Statements
Appendix 13-1 Measuring and Reporting Leases
Appendix 13-2 Accounting for Deferred Income Taxes
Chapter 14--Applying What You Have Learned To Analyze the Gap
Appendix 14-1 2001 Financial Information for the Gap, Inc. and for The Limited, Inc.
Appendix 14-3 Creating a Statement of Cash Flows
Appendix A Performance Objectives
Appendix B Commonly Used Account Titles
Appendix C Transactions A 1 through Z for Cards & Memorabilia Unlimited

780 pages

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