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wydawnictwo: HBS , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 199.00 Twoja cena  189,05 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

A new model for budgeting that liberates managers from the annual performance trap.
Controversial: Introduces compelling evidence for why the current model of budgeting doesn't work and how it promotes dysfunctional behavior
Something new: Presents a long-awaited approach for budgeting that allows managers to tie performance measurement to evolving competitive benchmarks
Unique solutions: Shows managers how, in the absence of a traditional budget, they can still satisfy budget-related needs such as setting goals, designing compensation and incentive rewards, and measuring performance
Moves beyond finance. Explains how Beyond Budgeting has both a financial and managerial component to it, and organizations will not achieve true Beyond Budgeting success unless they implement both.
The Beyond Budgeting seminar is running on 17th February in London; 14th May in Edinburgh; 15th October in Manchester and 28th November in Dublin.
And the conference is planned for last week in June or first week in July in London - date not
yet confirmed.
230 pages

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