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wydawnictwo: NTC , rok wydania 1999, wydanie I

cena netto: 200.00 Twoja cena  190,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Equip your students with the essential skills for developing and writing public relations materials with Public Relations Writing. All terms of public relations writing are covered, including news releases, backgrounders, newsletter and magazine articles, brochures, print advertising copy, and broadcast scripts. Students also gain an understanding of the most recent technological changes affecting the public relations industry.
Distinctive pedagogy encourages student participation with learning objectives, end-of-chapter exercises, and highlighted key terms linked to a comprehensive glossary.


Shows students how to produce effective communications for the Internet and other sources of electronic media distribution. Emphasized the importance of planning to help students target their audience, set objectives, and determine message strategy. Addresses the legal and ethical issues faced by public relations writers. Features examples and sample documents in every chapter.

Table of Contents

1. Writing for Public Relations
2. Planning Your Message
3. Choosing the Right Message and Medium
4. Ethical and Legal Issues in Public Relations Writing
5. Media Relations and Placement
6. News Releases and backgrounders
7. Annual Reports
8. Newsletters, Magazines, and Feature Writing
9. Brochures, Flyers, and Print Advertising
10. Television and Radio
11. Speeches and Presentations
12. Design, Printing, and Desktop Publishing
13. The Digital Media
14. The Basics of Grammar
15. The Basics of Style

380 pages

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