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wydawnictwo: NORTON , rok wydania 2000, wydanie III

cena netto: 290.00 Twoja cena  275,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Table of Contents

Part I Introduction

Public Sector in Mixed Economy

Public Sector in the United States

Part II Fundamentals of Welfare Economics

Market Efficiency

Market Failure

Efficiency and Equity

Part III Public Expenditure Theory

Public Goods and Publicly Provided Private Goods

Public Choice

Public Production and Bureaucracy

Externalities and the Environment

Part IV Expenditure Programs

The Analysis and Expenditure Policy

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Health Care

Defense and Technology

Social Insurance

Welfare Programs and the Redistribution


Part V Taxation

Introduction to Taxation

Tax Incidence

Taxation and Economic Efficiency

Optimal Taxation

Taxation and Capital

The Personal Income Tax

The Corporate Income Tax

A Student's Guide to Tax Avoidance

Reform of the Tax Systems

Part VI

Fiscal Issues

State and Local Taxes and Expenditures

Deficit Finance

822 pages

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