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wydawnictwo: THOMSON , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 225.00 Twoja cena  213,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Stephen J. Page University of Stirling
Paul Brunt University of Plymouth
Graham Busby University of Plymouth
Jo Connell University of Stirling


Tourism: A Modern Synthesis is an accessible core textbook for tourism focusing on the development and management of tourism in an international context. A strong business and management theme pervades the book reflecting developments in the teaching and content of modern courses. The book is based around the principles of management and includes case studies emphasising this theme. It can be used as a one semester text, but its coverage of a broad range of subjects make it a useful resource throughout the three years of a degree course.


• Concise international case studies - drawn from all regions of the world - are integrated throughout the text, widening the international appeal of the book and helping to consolidate student knowledge

• Further readings and questions sections are included in each chapter and provide a perfect framework for tutorials and seminars

• Incorporates a full glossary to assist the many students who struggle with some of the basic concepts and 'jargon' within tourism literature

• Includes chapters on subjects often overlooked in tourism literature such as HRM, IT, Finance & Investment

• The text is co-written, not co-edited, thus ensuring consistency of style, format and focus of the book

472 pages

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