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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 189.00 Twoja cena  179,55 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The Economics of Public Spending investigates the extent of government involvement in the economy, its rationale, and traces its historical record. The book unites articles previously published in Fiscal Studies, each one addressing a different area of expenditure and written by an economist with an international reputation in that field. Both the data and the relevant theory are analysed. A new introduction investigates the overall role of the public sector and discusses the general theory of public expenditure.
Readership: Undergraduates, practitioners, and anyone with an interest in the public sector.

Table of Contents

1 David Miles, Gareth Myles, and Ian Preston: Introduction

2 James Banks and Carl Emmerson: Public and Private Pension Spending: Principles, Practice and the Need for Reform

3 Carol Propper: Expenditure on Healthcare in the UK: A Review of the Issues

4 Jayasri Dutta, James Sefton, and Martin Weale: Education and Public Policy

5 Bruce D. Meyer: Unemployment and Workers' Compensation Programmes: Rationale, Design, Labour Supply, and Income Support

6 Ann Dryden Witte and Robert Witt: What We Spend and What We Get: Public and Private Provision of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

7 Todd Sandler and James C. Murdoch: On Sharing NATO Defence Burdens in the 1990s and Beyond

8 David Pearce and Charles Palmer: Public and Private Spending for Environmental Protection: A Cross-Country Policy Analysis

9 Clifford Winston: Government Failure in Urban Transportation

10 Alan Peacock: Public Financing of the Arts in England

11 Paul Stoneman: Government Spending on Research and Development in the U

416 pages

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