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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2004, wydanie I

cena netto: 797.00 Twoja cena  757,15 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Cases in Health Care Marketing, 1/e by Gourville, Quelch, and Rangan is a collection of Harvard cases that concentrate on marketing within the health care sector. The book is divided into seven sections, exploring topics which include: Developing a Marketing Strategy, Developing New Products, Launching of New Products, Managing Distribution, Managing Communications, Managing the Brand, and International Marketing.


Part 1 of this book, "Developing a Marketing Strategy," takes a look at the development and defense of a corporate strategy when investments are large, development of new products is lengthy, and the cost of errors are potentially fatal (both for the firm doing the developing and the end users doing the consuming). Part 2, "Developing New Products," looks at the challenges inherent in developing new goods and services for the health care industry. Part 3, "Launching of New Products," highlights the complexities of selling into the typical health care setting. As the cases outline, launching new products in the health care industry requires selling into a multi-layered, buying organization-one in which doctors, pharmacists, and administrators, among others, all need to be sold on a new drug, medical device, or procedure based on widely different sets of criteria. Part 4, "Managing Distribution," explores the duel pressures of minimizing cost, but fostering strong channel partners. For instance, what roles do channel partners have in the distribution of medical products and what incentives are provided for them to play these roles? Part 5 addresses the increasingly complex question of "Managing Communications." With the advent of direct to consumer advertising in the pharmaceutical market and the increased visibility of everything from hospitals to device manufacturers, a growing focus on marketing communications is clearly evident. Part 6, "Managing the Brand," investigates the concept of branding in the health care domain. Long a favorite topic in the marketing of consumer packaged goods, consumer durables, and the service industry, the concept of "managing the brand" is no less important for drug companies, device manufacturers, health care providers, and hospitals. Part 7 looks at the challenges of "International Marketing," where compare and contrast the provisioning of health care in the United States and Western Europe with that of the developing world. In particular, what roles and responsibilities does the health care industry have in places like South Africa and India? And how can the industry balance the basic needs of developing nations with the increasingly customized demands of the well-to-do?

Table of Contents
Part I Developing a Marketing Strategy

1-1 Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (A)
Stefan Thomke
1-2 Hikma Pharmaceuticals
John A. Quelch and Robin Root
1-3 The Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai, India: In Service for Sight
V. Kasturi Rangan

Part II Developing New Products

2-1 Abgenix and the Xenomouse
Robert Dolan
2-2 Cardio Thoracic Systems
Michael J. Roberts and Diana S. Gardner
2-3 Innovation at 3M Corporation (A)
Stefan Thomke and Ashok Nimgade

Part III Launching New Products

3-1 The Medicines Company
John T. Gourville
3-2 Biopure Corporation
John T. Gourville
3-3 Synthes
John T. Gourville

Part IV Managing Distribution

4-1 Merck-Medco: Vertical Integration in the Pharmaceutical Industry
V. Kasturi Rangan and Marie Bell
4-2 Becton Dickenson & Company: VACUTAINER Systems Division
V. Kasturi Rangan and Frank V. Cespedes
4-3 CVS: The Web Strategy
John Deighton and Anjali Shah

Part V Managing Communications

5-1 Pepcid AC (A): Racing to the OTC Market
Charles King III, Alvin J. Silk, Lisa R. Klein, and Ernst R. Berndt
5-2 LifeSpan, Inc.: Abbott Northwestern Hospital
Melvyn A. J. Menezes
5-3 Population Services International
V. Kasturi Rangan

Part VI Managing the Brand

6-1 The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute: Development Strategy
V. Kasturi Rangan
6-2 Bayer AG (A)
John A. Quelch and Robin Root
6-3 Warner-Lambert Ireland: Niconil
John A. Quelch and Susan P. Smith

Part VII International Marketing

7-1a Life, Death, and Property Rights: The Pharmaceutical Industry
Faces AIDS in Africa
Debora Spar and Nicholas Bartlett
7-1b Phase Two: The Pharmaceutical Industry Responds to AIDS
Debora Spar

7-2 Ciba-Geigy Pharmaceuticals: Pharma International
John A. Quelch and N. Craig Smith
7-3 Genzyme's Gaucher Initiative: Global Risk and Responsibility
Christopher A. Bartlett and Andrew N. Mclean

512 pages

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