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wydawnictwo: AMACOM , rok wydania 2004, wydanie I

cena netto: 185.00 Twoja cena  175,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Competive advantage through revolutionary outsourcing strategies.

Foreword by Thomas H. Davenport, coauthor, What's the Big Idea? and The Attention Economy

If you're looking for a serious infusion of life-blood into your company, transformational outsourcing could be the answer. This new, bold approach is not just about handing off noncore functions in order to cut costs. It's about transforming the entire operating model to boost a company's stock price, increase its market share, or drive its profitability.

Take an organization like National Savings and Investments (NS&I) of Great Britain. It quickly transformed itself from an out-of-step, cumbersome, and ultimately failing institution into a lean, successful market leader in the financial services sector. And it achieved radical organizational change by employing the innovative process of transformational outsourcing.

Outsourcing for Radical Change supplies a detailed analysis of the transformation process that happened at NS&I, Thomas Cook, and others, as well as examples of companies that failed to align their transformation initiative with their strategic needs.

Based on a major study by Accenture and in-depth interviews by the author, this original, research-based book examines the entire process from a practical, real-world perspective: from selecting your ultimate goal, to mapping out a workable action plan, to navigating the often formidable challenges you'll face on your quest for radical change. You'll discover:

7 questions to help you determine if your business needs transformational outsourcing
0 essential leadership skills needed to spearhead a change effort
4 major ways that companies use outsourcing for transformation
3 critical components for successfully executing transformational outsourcing and building high-commitment relationships
Guidelines for creating a working business model for fulfilling strategic goals
Techniques to help minimize the turmoil of dislocating people
Tips for measuring and rewarding success-and recognizing and fixing failures

In the business world, major change efforts have an abysmally poor track record, with poor execution standing out as the major culprit. By comparison, transformational outsourcing has been highly successful in 17 out of the 20 companies tracked in this groundbreaking book. It brings larger, faster, and more lasting impacts than most people ever expect. And it can be your secret weapon in the struggle to survive and prosper in the 21st century.

Many companies use outsourcing for their backend operations. But few have tapped into the truly transformative power of outsourcing its major functions.

This groundbreaking book looks at the handful of companies that have led enterprise-wide strategic change efforts using transformational outsourcing. Executives have used it to start up new companies, drive growth, consolidate mature companies, and execute stunning strategic turnaround-swiftly and successfully in the vast majority of cases. Find out if your company can benefit from this potent new tool!

Author Information

Jane C. Linder is Research Director at Accenture Institute, where she also facilitates workshops and speaks on important business issues. She has been a member of the faculty at Harvard Business School. Dr. Linder earned an MBA and a doctorate in business administration from Harvard Business School and, prior to joining Accenture, held corporate positions of increasing responsibility. She lives in Charlestown, Massachusetts.
268 pages

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