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wydawnictwo: CIPD , rok wydania 2004, wydanie III

cena netto: 273.00 Twoja cena  259,35 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Do you fully understand the law and how it applies to your workplace? CIPD Law at Work's Legal Essentials publication series provides employment law information that's required reading for people managers.

Recruiting is often an organisation's first opportunity to make an impression. When recruiting it is crucial to follow the law and adopt a professional and competent approach, this book aims to provide you with the information to do exactly that. This best-selling Legal Essentials title has been fully revised to take in recent changes to:

• anti-discrimination law and the extension of protection to include sexual orientation and religious belief

• equal pay legislation

• the emphasis on the role of implied terms in contracts of employment

• flexibility in the labour market and growth in ways of working

• legal regulation of applicant screening and use and storage of applicant data.

Clear and accessible information for non-legal specialists, yet comprehensive on the issues they address, the Legal Essentials publication series should be your first choice for practical guidance to understand the law.

80 pages

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