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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2003, wydanie II

cena netto: 155.00 Twoja cena  147,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Rather than solely concentrating on the technology of telecommunications, Carr and Snyder's The Management of Telecommunications: Business Solutions to Business Problems 2/e caters more to the needs of today's business students. Management Of Telecommunications is the ideal textbook for exposing students to all facets of being a telecommunications end-user. It stresses the importance of the managerial decision-making side of telecommunications by applying the use of an integrated continuing case to illustrate key concepts and show the decision process. This book will provide business students with the technical vocabulary, technical understanding, and decision-making ability necessary to be an effective business telecommunications manager.
Students using Carr and Snyder's book will lead the decision-making process by having an understanding of technology tradeoffs in relation to costs, marketing, customer service, and competition. Students will learn how telecommunications and telecommunications-intensive information systems, in particular, are part of the strategic, tactical, and operational decision processes of an organization.

Bandwidth, Bandwidth, Bandwidth!: Discussion of the new market dynamics of the insatiable appetite for more bandwidth. Domestic and international points of view are considered. Understanding bandwidth issues encourages a student to act intelligently when choosing media delivery options. Security and Privacy Issues: Expanded coverage to capture the raging debate of between first amendment free speech open access advocates vs. advocates for privacy of personal information. Wireless LANs: Coverage of the movement of Wireless LANs into the mainstream of business use. Discussion includes standards, speed, data integrity, and security issues. Important in today's marketplace because the growth in telecommunications products, services, and solutions resides in new technologies in both wireless and wire segments. Network-Attached Data Storage: Treatment of the rise in importance of network-attached data storage (NAS) is included. The needs based on growth of data stemming from the Internet, intranets, e-Commerce, email, videoconferencing, voice recognition, Web-TV, etc. are discussed, along with the relative costs/benefits and impact on LANs. By harnessing the technology of NAS and using it to capture new sources of information (i.e.- knowledge management) allows a corporation to understand all points of interaction with the marketplace. Chapter Opening Continuing Cases with Case Study Questions. Illustrates how a small business and its telecommunications requirements evolve over time. Each case presents business decision-making opportunities and shows how telecommunications technology can solve business problems and create a competitive advantage Technology Notes. Offers in-depth and historical coverage of topics found in chapters with a heavy technology orientation. Information Windows and The Real World. These boxed items and sidebars appear in every chapter to provide insight on business issues and developments Select end-of chapter exercises are tied to NetViz, a popular network development software tool the will be packaged with the text. NetViz allows students to practice the mechanics of building rudimentary network design components. Online Learning Center (OLC) is a website that follows the text chapter-by-chapter. OLC content is ancillary and supplementary germane to the textbook, as students read the book, they can go online to take self-grading quizzes, review material, or work through interactive exercises. OLCs can be delivered multiple ways - professors and students can access them directly through the textbook website, through PageOut, or within a course management system (i.e. WebCT, Blackboard, TopClass, or eCollege.) McGraw-Hill's Knowledge Gateway - The Complete Resource for Teaching Online Courses. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, in partnership with Eduprise, is proud to bring this unique service to instructors. This comprehensive Website contains a wealth of information for any professor interested in teaching online. Level one is available to any instructor browsing our Website. Level two is reserved for McGraw-Hill customers and contains access to free technical and instructional design assistance. For more details, visit http://mhhe.eduprise.com/home.nsf PageOut is McGraw-Hill's unique point-and click course Website tool, enabling you to create a full-featured, professional quality course Website without knowing HTML coding. With PageOut you can post your syllabus online, assign McGraw-Hill Online Learning Center or eBook content, add links to important off-site resources, and maintain student results in the online grade book. You can send class announcements, copy your course site to share with colleagues, and upload original files. PageOut is free for every McGraw-Hill/Irwin user and, if your short on time, we even have a team ready to help you create your site! PowerWeb. Harness the assets of the Web to keep your course current with PowerWeb! This online resource provides high quality, peer-reviewed content including up-to-date articles from leading periodicals and journals, current news, weekly updates with assessment, interactive exercises, Web research guide, study tips, and much more! http://www.dushkin.com/powerweb. Business Week Edition. Your students can subscribe to Business Week for a specially priced rate of $8.25 in addition to the price of the text. Students will receive a pass code card shrink-wrapped with their new text. The card directs students to a Website where they enter the code and then gain access to Business Week's registration page to enter address info and set up their print and online subscription as well. Passcode ISBN 007-251530-9.

Table of Contents
Part I Communication Basics
CHAPTER 1 What is Technology? What is Telecommunications?
CHAPTER 2 Where did the Telephone come from and how does it Work?
CHAPTER 3 What Media do we use for Telecommunications?
Part II Networks
CHAPTER 4 Data Communications: What is it?
CHAPTER 5 Data Communications: Conversion, Modulation, and Multiplexing
CHAPTER 6 Telecommunications Models
CHAPTER 7 Networks by Topology: Protocols
CHAPTER 8 Networks by Geography: Network Equipment
Part III Uses of Networks
CHAPTER 9 The Internet - The Ultimate WAN
CHAPTER 10 Using Telecommunications for Accommodation
CHAPTER 11 Business Applications of Telecommunications
Part IV Legislation and Global Issues
CHAPTER 12 How do Legislation and Regulation affect Telecommunications?
Part V Managing Telecommunications
CHAPTER 13 How do you Manage Telecommunications in Organizations?
CHAPTER 14 How do you Manage Telecommunications Projects?
Part VI The Need for Bandwidth
CHAPTER 15 How much Bandwidth do you need?
CHAPTER 16 Lower reaches of Broadband Technologies
CHAPTER 17 Competing Broadband Technologies
Part VII The Future
CHAPTER 18 The End . . . The Beginning

790 pages

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