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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2003, wydanie IX

cena netto: 220.00 Twoja cena  209,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Ivancevich's Human Resource Management takes a managerial orientation; that is it takes the position that HRM is relevant to managers in every unit, project, or team. Managers are constantly faced with HRM issues, problems, and decision making and the text's primary goal is to show how each manager must be a human resource problem solver and diagnostician. This book pays attention to the application of HRM approaches in "real" organizational settings and situations. Realism, understanding, and critical thinking were important in the revision. Students and faculty alike have identified readability and relevance as key strengths of the text. It provides a book that stimulates ideas and keeps all users up-to-date on HRM thinking and practice.

Each of the five parts uses a video case and discussion questions to integrate material relevant to the participation section of the book. The web site includes a link to Human Resources Online. Students stay current and expand their knowledge in the field of human resources by completing approximately twenty online exercises in such areas as training and employee development, selection and recruitment, compensation and benefits, labor relations, employee separation and retention, as well as training and employee development. In each exercise, students review one or more online resources, such as articles covering a recent HR trend. They then answer some challenging questions. For the busy instructor, Human Resources Online includes password-protected teaching notes that provide insights and answers to each question. Internet applications within the text are enhanced with the new HRonline and Business Around the World, which links directly to the leading HR magazines and professional sources. In addition, the coverage of Internet resources continues to be an important topic in this new edition. Each chapter is linked to Internet resources and include www addresses with strong student appeal. An emphasis on managerial responsibilities and actions pertaining to HRM activities is woven throughout the content and chapter elements, making the text relevant to general managers as well as human resource majors. Key themes have been integrated in the content and pedagogical elements of each chapter: managing diversity, legal issues of HRM, productivity growth, globalization, impact of technology, embedded nature of TQM, strategically managing HRM, enhancing employee skills, changing nature of work, and current examples. The author uses "Legal Practical Alerts" in each chapter to cite brief legal points, cases, or facts that enhance student understanding of these important issues in HRM. PageOut is McGraw-Hill's unique point-and click course Website tool, enabling you to create a full-featured, professional quality course Website without knowing HTML coding. With PageOut you can post your syllabus online, assign McGraw-Hill Online Learning Center or eBook content, add links to important off-site resources, and maintain student results in the online grade book. You can send class announcements, copy your course site to share with colleagues, and upload original files. PageOut is free for every McGraw-Hill/Irwin user and, if you're short on time, we even have a team ready to help you create your site! You can customize this text. McGraw-Hill/Primis Online's digital database offers you the flexibility to customize your course including material from the largest online collection of textbooks, readings, and cases. Primis leads the way in customized eBooks with hundreds of titles available at prices that save your students over 20% off bookstore prices. Additional information is available at 800-228-0634. PowerWeb. This online reservoir of discipline-specific news articles and essays offer a great way to keep your course current, while complementing textbook concepts with real-world applications. Articles and essays from leading periodicals and niche publications in specific disciplines are reviewed by professors like you to ensure fruitful search results every time. PowerWeb also offers current news, weekly updates with assessment, interactive exercises, Web research guide, study tips, and much more! http://www.dushkin.com/powerweb. BusinessWeek Edition. Your students can subscribe to 15 weeks of Business Week for a specially priced rate of $8.25 in addition to the price of the text. Students will receive a pass code card shrink-wrapped with their new text. The card directs students to a Website where they enter the code and then gain access to BusinessWeek's registration page to enter address info and set up their print and online subscription as well. Passcode ISBN 007-251530-9.

Table of Contents
The Internet As A Resource For HRM

Part I: Introduction to Human Resource Management
1. Human Resources In A Changing World
2. A Strategic and Managerial Approach to Human Resources
3. Equal Employment Opportunity: Legal Aspects of Human Resource Management
4. Global Human Resource Management

Part II: Staffing Human Resources
5. Human Resource Planning and Alignment
6. Job Analysis and Competency Modeling
7. Recruitment
8. Selection

Part III: Rewarding Human Resources
9. Appraising and Managing Performance
10. Compensation: An Overview
11. Compensation: Issues and Policies
12. Administering Benefits and Services

Part IV: Developing Human Resources
13. Training and Development
14. Career Development

Part V: Labor-Management Relations
15. Unions and Collective Bargaining
16. Employees' Rights and Justice

Part VI: Protecting Human Resources
17. Promoting Safety and Health

Appendix A: Measuring Human Resource Activities
Appendix B: Sources of Information About Human Resource Management: Where to Find Facts and Figures
Appendix C: Career Guidelineses

646 pages

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