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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2001, wydanie II

cena netto: 250.00 Twoja cena  237,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The purpose of this text is to analyze the key financial markets and instruments that facilitate trade and investment activity on a global scale. It spans two key areas: First-the economic determinants of prices, price changes and price relationships in the major financial markets; Second-the policy issues that result from private enterprises and public policymakers.

Includes more discussion of the Financial Crises around the world, using recent cases including the collapse of pegged rates, the ramifications of floating the baht and the contagious possibilities to other world markets. Expanded discussion of the pricing and policy challenges in the development of the European Monetary Union. Learning objectives have been added to help students focus on the key goals of the text. Additional questions have been added to the end of chapter material in each chapter. Each chapter typically includes a discussion of the historical origins of a market and/or the present institutional organization of the market. The institutional setting is an important part of understanding how a market works, and why the market might not behave in the precise way predicted by an economic model. Author takes the view that theory can be practical, but that theories require testing. As such, the chapters present the results of empirical regularities in international finance and see what puzzles remain to be solved. Graphs and real life data are extensively used to visually communicate important information, such as the pattern of cash flows associated with contracts, or to explain the results of a financial strategy or risk management technique. Real world boxes from the popular press and from actual companies show how concepts are applied. End of chapter problems are accompanied by extensive references for readers interested in greater information about the subject.

Table of Contents
I. Introduction and Overview
1. Introduction to the Study of International Financial Markets
2. An Overview of International Monetary Systems and Recent Developments in International Financial Markets
II. Foreign Exchange Markets
3. Market Structure and Institutions
4. International Parity Conditions: Purchasing Power Parity
5. International Parity Conditions: Interest Rate Parity and the Fisher Parities
6. Spot Exchange Rate Determination
7. Foreign Exchange Market Efficiency
8. Exchange Rate Forecasting
III. Offshore Financial Markets
9. The Eurocurrency Market
10. The Eurobond Market
IV. Derivative Security Markets: Futures, Options, and Swaps
11. Currency and Interest Rate Futures
12. Currency and Interest Rate Options
13. Currency and Interest Rate Swaps
V. International Asset Portfolios
14. Bond Portfolios
15. Equity Portfolios
VI. International Asset Portfolios and Financial Risk Management
16. Measuring and Managing the Risk in International Financial Positions
VII. Regulatory Issues
17. Giving Direction to International Financial Markets: Regulation and Intervention in the Competitive Marketplace
696 pages

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