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wydawnictwo: NEW RIDERS , rok wydania 2004, wydanie I

cena netto: 135.00 Twoja cena  128,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Create an effective search engine advertising strategy to make sure you get the most bang for your buck!

Discover how to effectively buy a top position on major search engines, avoid common pitfalls such as poor-performing ad copy, and evaluate and correct low visitor-to-buyer conversions.

Author breaks down sophisticated topics and communicates them in a way that anyone can grasp what has to happen to make a website succeed.

A few years ago, getting a top ranking within a search engine was solely based on search engine optimization, where web site design had to have elements that appealed to the search engines. While good web site design remains key to attaining listings in certain search engines, most search engines allow marketers to buy specific keyword positions in addition to, or instead of, programming their way to the top. This new advertising opportunity means that small businesses can compete directly with large corporations without having bigger, better web sites. Paid search engine listings can point to any page within a web site. So today, a top keyword position is less about luck and more about strategy and businesses with out a strategy are losing sales. Second only to e-mail, the most common activity for U.S. Internet users is searching for information. Fortunately, with a little education and preplanning, any company can launch a search engine advertising program - within days. This book reveals how to effectively buy a top position on the major search engines and directories. Readers will discover how to avoid common pitfalls such as poor-performing ad copy and low visitor-to-buyer conversions. This book teaches novices how to immediately market their web sites in search engines. It also offers tips for advanced marketers to evaluate and improve their current results.

With over seven years of Internet business experience in the United States and Europe, Catherine Seda has helped companies plan, execute, track and improve the effectiveness of their Web marketing strategy. She led the Online Promotions division at SiteLab International Inc., a top U.S. Web agency, for five years. Catherine is a highly sought after speaker on subjects including search engine strategies, effective Web site design, online marketing, and evaluating return on investment from online advertising.

Table of Contents
Optimization Versus Advertising: What's the Difference? Why I Wrote Search Engine Advertising. How This Book Is Organized.
1. Why Is Search Engine Advertising Important?
It's Quick, Easy, and Inexpensive to Generate New Business. Expand Brand Awareness. A Simple Way to Test New Promotions. Advertising Complements Web Site Optimization Efforts. Search Engine Alliances Show Path to Success.
2. Marketing Campaign Foundation.
Mission Statement. Target Market. Unique Selling Points. Call to Action.
3. Choosing Keywords for Maximum Performance.
Branded Keywords. Generic Keywords.
4. Copywriting Tips to Improve Your Click-Through Rate.
Seven Ways to Attract Buyers, Not Browsers. Top 10 Ways to Avoid Rejection. Monitoring Your Competitors' Click-Through Performance.
5. Landing Pages That Convert Visitors into Buyers.
Provide a Direct Path. Complete the Message from Your Ad Listing. Design Page Layout to Invite the Sale. Three Psychological Factors of Selling.
6. Fixed Placement.
The Advantages of Using Fixed Placement. The Challenges of Fixed Placement. Creating a Fixed Placement Questionnaire.
7. Pay-For-Placement.
The Advantages of Pay-For-Placement. The Challenges of Pay-For-Placement. Pay-For-Placement Questionnaire.
8. Submit URL.
The Advantages of Submit URL. The Challenges of Submit URL.
9. Trusted Feed.
The Advantages of Trusted Feed. The Challenges of Trusted Feed.
10. Web Site Optimization.
What Do Search Engines Want? Keyword Density and Rankings. Search Engine Submission Checklist.
11. Comparison Shopping Engines.
Preparing for a Shopping Engine Program. Live or Die by Customer Testimonials.
12. Vertical Market Search Engines.
Go to Your Target Market. Benefit from Their Marketing Expenditures.
13. International Search Engines.
Tips for International Marketing. International Search Engine Popularity.
14. Before You Start Advertising...
What Is ROI? Set a Customer Acquisition Cost Goal. Test Before You Invest. Search Engine Click-Through Reports. Search Engine Conversion Tracking.
15. ROI Tracking Tips.
Get Deep with Your Data. Routine Campaign Analysis. Double-Check Your ROI Reports. Conversion Issues. Your Solution Options.
16. Small Business E-Commerce Solutions.
Advantages of E-Commerce Systems. Challenges of E-Commerce Solutions.
17. Affiliate Programs.
Advantages of Affiliate Programs. Challenges of Affiliate Programs.
18. Web Analytics.
Advantages of Web Analytics. Challenges of Web Analytics.
19. Bid Management Tools.
Advantages of Bid Management Tools. Challenges of Bid Management Tools.
20. Internet Marketing Agencies.
Advantages of Internet Marketing Agencies. Challenges of Internet Marketing Agencies.
21. Watch Out for Click Fraud.
Safeguards Search Engines Can and Can't Offer. Identifying Click Fraud Patterns. Deter Fraudulent Clickers. Reporting Evidence to Resolve Past and Future Incidents.
22. Trademark Infringement.
Filing a Complaint with the Search Engines. Cease and Desist Letter. Legal Loopholes. International Law Leading the Way.
23. Managing Your Affiliates.
The Amazing Success of Trademarks. Create an Affiliate Strategy. Trademark Protection Agreement. If You're an Affiliate: The Gold Rush Is On!
Web Sites. Books.
Search Engine Visibility, Chapter 1 Excerpt.

About Author

Catherine Seda is a popular speaker on the topics of search engine marketing, affiliate management, and low-cost web site promotion. She's known for sharing practical tips and tools in her dynamic sessions at leading search engine, marketing, and industry association conferences.

Since 1995, Catherine has worked with organizations in the U.S. and Europe to leverage the Internet as a marketing tool. As the marketing executive of a web agency for five years, she championed client online promotions that included search engine optimization, pay-per-click media buys, opt-in email, banner advertising, link popularity campaigns, custom sweepstakes, and ROI tracking. She also designed the search engine program, which included co-creating an affiliate trademark protection strategy, for a direct response TV agency's clients.

Through her agency, Seda Communication, Catherine offers open workshops and onsite training for search engine marketing. Additionally, she leads a team of search engine specialists in managing corporate client campaigns.

Catherine shares revenue-generating techniques in her articles as a regular columnist for Entrepreneur magazine, editor of the Search Engine Sales e-zine, and freelance writer for industry publications including Response magazine, SearchDay (Search Engine Watch), LookSmart, Pay Per Click Analyst, FindWhat.com, and others. She's also a contributing author of Search Engine Positioning.

Catherine believes in a "test before you invest" Internet marketing strategy for immediate and long-term success.

344 pages

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