In recent years, the stock
market has undergone revolutionary change at virtually every level: new players, new
technologies, new information flows, and new macroeconomic conditions. These changes are
radically impacting investors, whether they know it or not. Now, you can understand and
adapt to the changes -- instead of being victimized by them.
Wall Street insider Michael
J. Panzner will show you how. Panzner reveals how falling transaction costs and a barrage
of data are transforming traditional investment patterns, and how stocks are increasingly
being bought and sold like commodities. Discover the impact that electronic trading,
instant messaging, and hedge funds are having on intraday volatility and short-term
direction. Learn how an era of 'boom and bust' has altered investor behaviour and risk
preferences, why today's market is increasingly emotional, and why many traditional
market indicators simply don't work anymore. From the growing role of derivatives to the
increasing unpredictability of seasonal and cyclical patterns, this book takes you 'under
the hood' of today's equity markets... so you can develop an appropriate investment
strategy for today's new realities.
of Contents
The Modern Jungle.
Developments That Have Influenced Today's Stock Market.
1. Intraday Volatility.
Intraday Share Price Volatility Is on the Rise.
2. Trading Like Commodities.
Stocks Are Increasingly Being Bought and Sold Like Commodities.
3. Approaches and Attitudes.
Investing and Reason Frequently Give Way to Speculation and Emotion.
4. Information and Communications.
More Information and Faster Communications Often Have Unexpected Consequences.
5. Derivatives.
Derivatives Are Exerting a Growing Influence on Share Prices.
6. Seasonality and Cycles.
Many Seasonal and Cyclical Patterns Are Becoming Less Predictable.
7. Imbalances and Upheavals.
Aggressive Approaches and Tactics Are Leading to More Unstable Short-Term Imbalances.
8. Form and Fantasy.
Substance and Reality Increasingly Give Way to Form and Fantasy.
9. Market Indicators.
Many Traditional Market Indicators Are Becoming Less Reliable.
10. Global Factors.
Global Factors and Foreign Investors Are Exerting a Growing Influence On Share Prices.
The Jungle of the Future.
Developments That Will Likely Influence Tomorrow's Stock Market.
About Author
Michael J. Panzner is a twenty-year veteran of the international stock, bond and currency
markets. During his career, he has worked in New York and London as a trader and salesman
for leading companies such as HSBC, Soros Funds, ABN Amro, Dresdner Bank, and J.P. Morgan
292 pages