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wydawnictwo: EUROMONEY , rok wydania 2004, wydanie I

cena netto: 650.00 Twoja cena  617,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Make sure you are aware of the risks and the opportunities of investing in hedge funds through fund of funds.

Learn how to pick the winners and avoid the losers in fund of funds from one of the leading consultants to the hedge fund industry.

"Alan Dorsey has written a compelling book for those seeking to untangle the mysterious world of hedge funds and fund of funds. His no nonsense style helps chart a course for investors or prospective investors in this rapidly growing field."

Arthur Levitt, Former Chairman, United States Securities and Exchange Commission

This user-friendly guide helps you:

  • understand the portfolio advantages of funds of funds,
  • learn about the marketplace and its participants and
  • recognize the critical steps to evaluate the merits and risks in managers.

Includes in-depth analysis on:

  • hedge fund evaluation
  • portfolio construction
  • due diligence
  • monitoring
  • performance attribution
  • benchmarking

Includes a full glossary.

About the author

Alan Dorsey is Managing Director and Director of Hedge Fund Investments and Research for CRA RogersCasey, a pension consulting firm based in Darien, Connecticut. Additionally, he has oversight responsibility for all alternative investments at CRA RogersCasey as Director of Non-Traditional Investments, including hedge funds, private equity, and real estate.

For more than 35 years, CRA RogersCasey has been providing investment advice to institutional investors, including corporations, public retirement systems, endowments, foundations, insurance companies, high net worth individuals, and Taft-Hartley plans. It is one of the largest investment consulting firms in the United States. The firm has built a strong reputation for delivering objective, unbiased investment advice and has become an industry leader in understanding and controlling investment risk.

Prior to joining CRA RogersCasey in 2002, Alan was Managing Director, Director of Research, at Bryant Park Capital, Inc. and its predecessor companies. He was also Chief Investment Officer of their hedge fund. Prior to that, Alan was a Vice-President with Dillon Read & Co., Inc., where he was involved with special situations research, LBO, IPO, and general corporate finance assignments. Alan began his career as a securities analyst at Argus Research Corporation, a U.S.-based equity research and investment management firm founded by his grandfather.

Alan graduated with a B.A. in Economics from Wesleyan University in Connecticut, where he is a current member of the Investment Committee and a past Trustee. He is a holder of the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation and a past NASD licensed Series 7 and 63 Registered Representative.

160 pages

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