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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 140.00 Twoja cena  133,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

This volume examines different aspects of management consulting in an innovative and comprehensive way. The chapters are based on original research and cover a wide range of countries (e.g. Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland, Italy, Germany, Australia, and Norway), consulting firms, and client organizations. They show how the consulting industry managed to reach the importance it has today; how consultancies and management gurus develop new ideas and/or repackage old ones; and how consultants find or retain clients and interact with them in a given project.

Readership: Management scholars, sociologists, business and economic historians, and management consultants.

Table of Contents

Lars Engwall and Matthias Kipping: Introduction

Part I: Historical Perspectives on the Consulting Industry

1 Odile Henry: The Acquisition of Symbolic Capital by Consultants: The French Case

2 Lars Engwall, Staffan Furusten, and Eva Wallerstedt: The Changing Relationship Between Management Consulting and Academia: Evidence from Sweden

3 Luchien Karsten and Kees van Veen: Management Consultancies in the Netherlands in the 1950s and 1960s: Between Systemic Context and External Influences

4 Antti Ainamo and Janne Tienari: The Rise and Fall of a Local Version of Management Consulting in Finland

Part II: Organizational Perspectives on the Consultancy Firm

5 Andreas Werr: The Internal Creation of Consulting Knowledge: A Question of Structuring Experience

6 Cristina Crucini: Knowledge Management at Country Level: A Large Consulting Firm in Italy

7 Timothy Clark and David Greatbatch: Collaborative Relationships in the Creation and Fashioning of Management Ideas: Gurus, Editors, and Managers

8 Michael Faust: Consultancies as Actors in Knowledge Arenas: Evidence from Germany

Part III: Relationship Perspectives on the Consultancy Project

9 Alfred Kieser: Managers as Marionettes? Using Fashion Theories to Explain the Success of Consultancies

10 Christopher Wright: Promoting Demand, Gaining Legitimacy, and Broadening Expertise: The Evolution of Consultancy-Client Relationships in Australia

11 Matthias Kipping and Thomas Armbruster: The Burden of Otherness: Limits of Consultancy Interventions in Historical Case Studies

12 Hallgeir Gammelsaeter: Managers and Consultants as Embedded Actors: Evidence from Norway

266 pages

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